Regenerated Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives

The aim of the course is that the students should aquire a broad overview of the dissolving pulp production and the market for cellulose derivatives and regenerated cellulose. The course covers cellulose structures in detail and the characteristics of dissolving pulps. Process technology for producing cellulose derivatives will then follow as well as for viscose […]

Paper Water Interactions

Moisture sorption and swelling Water sorption and paper structure Influence of temperature and water on mechanical properties Interactions of fibres and water – product demands Influence of moisture on mechanosorptive creep

Packaging materials

Packaging will be presented and discussed from the performance perspective, in certain applications with a focus on food stuffs, including product safety (especially materials and barriers perspective), economics/services (systems perspective), communications and marketing, logistics, design and sustainability. Materials used in packaging, and some of the converting processes, will be covered, such as glass, metals, polymers […]

Scale up perspective on renewable processes

Successful process scale-up is critically important when taking an innovative idea and turning it into a commercial reality, while successful process scale-down is essential for troubleshooting or optimizing commercial processes. The course will give lectures on pre-planning of pilot and large scale processes and the laws and permits that are needed for building a plant. […]

Fibre Water Interactions

Moisture sorption and swelling Water sorption and paper structure Influence of temperature and water on mechanical properties Interactions of fibres and water – product demands Influence of moisture on mechanosorptive creep


The course contains 4 topics covering the following: History and development of nanocelluloses (NC). Knowledge of the structure of the fibre wall and the overall link to nanocellulose extraction. Different types of NCs, their colloidal properties and essential characterization techniques. Materials and applications from nanocellulose.

Packaging materials

Packaging will be presented and discussed from the performance perspective, in certain applications with a focus on food stuffs, including product safety (especially materials and barriers perspective), economics/services (systems perspective), communications and marketing, logistics, design and sustainability. Materials used in packaging, and some of the converting processes, will be covered, such as glass, metals, polymers […]

Economics in Pulp and Paper Making

The course is a post-gradual course. The objective is to increase the understanding of the interplay between economic and technology factors, and between different industrial sectors, in the forest-based value chains and biorefinery production. The course combines economic and management theory lectures with presentations of industrial cases by industry representatives.  Driving forces behind the […]

Biotechnology for Pulp and Paper Industry

This course will give an overview of the biotechnical processes in the pulp and paper industry, with a focus on Bottlenecks and developing areas. Overview of wood degrading organisms and enzymes. Overview of industrial production of enzymes. Transgenic trees. Enzymatic and microbial techniques for pulp and paper industry including both established techniques and others still […]

Paper surfaces – Characterisation and properties

Surface chemistry of paper Surface chemistry of paper Surface topography Pore structure Surface characterization techniques Light scattering and paper gloss – Effect of surface properties Wettability, capillarity, spreading, special focus on short term wetting Mechanical properties (incl. fracture mechanics) of coating layers Ink–substrate interaction

Packaging material

Packaging will be presented and discussed from the performance perspective, in certain applications with a focus on food stuffs, including product safety (especially materials and barriers perspective), economics (systems perspective), communications and marketing, logistics, design and sustainability. Materials used in packaging, and some of the converting processes, will be covered, such as glass, metals, polymers […]