
Managing the Innovation Process from the Research Perspective

IPR Analysis will use various search engines and mapping tools to determine who owns intellectual property necessary for the practice of a new technology, and who is currently working on creating relevant IPR.  Strategies for controlling IPR, locking-up necessary components, and keeping potential competitors at bay will be discussed.  Market Analysis will distill a realistic […]

Managing the Innovation Process from the Research Perspective Läs mer »

Synchrotron Characterization Methods in Fibre and Polymer Technology – Theory – FKF3420

Theoretical descriptions on: X-ray interaction with matter Basics of synchrotron radiation and x-ray sources Refraction and reflection from interfaces Diffraction: X-ray diffraction, grazing incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering Scattering: X-ray reflectivity, small-angle X-ray scattering, grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering Coherence: Coherent diffraction imaging, X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Applied examples of in situ and in operando measurements

Synchrotron Characterization Methods in Fibre and Polymer Technology – Theory – FKF3420 Läs mer »

Synchrotron Characterization Methods in Fibre and Polymer Technology – Theory

Theoretical descriptions on: X-ray interaction with matter Basics of synchrotron radiation and x-ray sources Refraction and reflection from interfaces Diffraction: X-ray diffraction, grazing incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering Scattering: X-ray reflectivity, small-angle X-ray scattering, grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering Coherence: Coherent diffraction imaging, X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Applied examples of in situ and in operando measurements

Synchrotron Characterization Methods in Fibre and Polymer Technology – Theory Läs mer »

NMR Spectroscopy introduction level

The course contains 5 topics covering the followings Basic principles of NMR spectroscopy, the spectrometer Spectral parameters (chemical shift, couplings) Relaxation, 13C-NMR, Polarization transfer experiments, Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE) 2D-NMR spectroscopy, Protocol for routine structure determination Dynamic NMR Spectroscopy Additional to the lectures a significant amount of time will be spent on solving problems and

NMR Spectroscopy introduction level Läs mer »

Electron Microscopy Analysis of Fibre and Polymer-based Materials

It is possible to participate in the online seminars in this course, free of charge. Register by sending an email to . The course registration for regular participation, with course credits, in both the theoretical and hands-on part, is now full. PhD students who want to participate in the course and obtain course credits are

Electron Microscopy Analysis of Fibre and Polymer-based Materials Läs mer »

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) for Polymer- and Forest-based materials

This course is designed to provide the background, fundamental concepts, and practical knowledge of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) in its relation to polymer- and forest-based materials. Doctoral students of this course will learn from experts in the field, get hands-on experience preparing samples, operating various AFM imaging modes and analysing AFM data. Following this course

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) for Polymer- and Forest-based materials Läs mer »

Electron Microscopy Analysis of Fibre and Polymer-based Materials

It is possible to take part of the online seminars in this course, free of charge. Register by sending an email to . The course registration for regular participation, with course credits, in both the theoretical and hands-on part, is now full. PhD students who want to participate in the course and obtain course credits

Electron Microscopy Analysis of Fibre and Polymer-based Materials Läs mer »

Electron Microscopy Analysis of Fibre and Polymer-based Materials

It is possible to take part of the online seminars in this course, free of charge. Register by sending an email to . The course registration for regular participation, with course credits, in both the theoretical and hands-on part, is now full. PhD students who want to participate in the course and obtain course credits

Electron Microscopy Analysis of Fibre and Polymer-based Materials Läs mer »