Lunds universitet

Fundamental understanding of the moisture uptake in modified wood

The use of wood and wood based materials in moist environments is limited because of these material’s susceptibility to decay fungi.  The durability thus needs to be improved, which can be achieved by chemical wood modification. The exact mechanisms behind the increased durability of modified wood is however not known, but the lowered moisture content is […]

Fundamental understanding of the moisture uptake in modified wood Läs mer »

Fouling and cleaning of membrane processes in ligno-cellulosic biorefineries

Reduction of fouling and efficient cleaning is of great importance for membrane processes to be successfully implemented in ligno-cellulosic biorefineries on an industrial scale. The key objective of this project is to develop real time methods to analyse fouling and cleaning plus new cleaning methods, e.g. enzymatic cleaning.  Thus, the project aims to reduce water consumption,

Fouling and cleaning of membrane processes in ligno-cellulosic biorefineries Läs mer »

Constitutive modeling for macro-micro delamination for paperboard/Tow ards zero defects in packaging technology

The project aims to develop experimental methods for characterizing packaging materials. In the project, the microstructure of packaging materials w ill be methodically characterized and linked to mechanical properties. Traditionally, mechanical testing of paperboard material has been carried out without regard to micro-level mechanisms. With new experimental methods such as in situ x-ray tomography, much

Constitutive modeling for macro-micro delamination for paperboard/Tow ards zero defects in packaging technology Läs mer »

The role of water availability in fungal degradation of lignocellulosic materials

We need to increase the use of lignocellulosic materials in all sectors in society, e.g., both as construction materials and as feedstock for the chemical industry. The possiblilty of such an increase is dependent on whether we can make construction materials more durable by eco-friendly methods, and the lignocellulosic feedstock easier to degrade in the

The role of water availability in fungal degradation of lignocellulosic materials Läs mer »

Processintensifiering av sulfatmassaproduktion med ligninutvinning genom trycksatt framvänd osmos

Biofuels in the form of lignin bio-oil can be produced from sulfate pulp mill lignin. However, the current process developed by SunCarbon extracts lignin from black liquor by membrane filtration resulting in low lignin filtrate. This project thus aims to intensify the sulfate pulp production process with lignin recovery by enhancing the lignin recovery combined

Processintensifiering av sulfatmassaproduktion med ligninutvinning genom trycksatt framvänd osmos Läs mer »

Separation av oligomer hemicellulosa från koklut

Projektets huvudsakliga mål är att fraktionera högmolekylär hemicellulosa från sulfitlut. Processen som har utveklats inom projektet bygger på en initial membranfiltrering för att höja hemicellulosakoncentrationen. Hemicellulosan fraktioneras därefter selektivt från lignosulfonaterna genom fällning med alkoholer eller ketoner som sedan kan återvinnas. Hemicellulosan från projektet har testats i ett antal olika applicationer, bl.a. för att producera

Separation av oligomer hemicellulosa från koklut Läs mer »

Hydrotropisk fraktionering av ved

De första steget i ett bioraffinaderi bygger på fraktionering av biomassan för att utvinna de individuella byggstenarna. Beroende på typ av vedråvara och önskade produkter kan fraktioneringen av biomassan utformas på olika sätt. Inom projektet utvecklas en process för fraktionering av lövved baserat på en kombination av processer som först extraherar hemicellulosan med en ångförbehandling

Hydrotropisk fraktionering av ved Läs mer »