Treesearch’s Board of directors
Treesearch’s Board of directors consists of representatives from Treesearch’s academic and industrial core partners. The board decides on the activities and shall, through its decision-making, work for the benefit of Sweden in the area.

Amelie Eriksson Karlström
- Professor, Head of School

Anders Palmqvist
- Chalmers
- Vice President of Research and Research Education, professor

Annika Olsson
- Lunds universitet
- Professor

Birgitta Engberg
- Mittuniversitetet
- Docent

Catrin Gustavsson
- Södra
- Head of Innovation and New Business

Christophe Barbier
- Billerud

Emma Östmark
- Stora Enso
- R&D Manager Bio-based fibers and films

Göran Ståhl
- Dekan vid fakulteten för skogsvetenskap

Henric Brage
- Södra
- Manager Process and Product Development

Jerker Jäder
- Forskningschef

Katarina Jonasson
- Tetra Pak
- Senior Board Specialist

Magnus Norgren
- Mittuniversitetet
- Professor

Martin Rantzer
- Linköpings universitet
- Prefekt, Universitetslektor, Enhetschef

Mats Qvarford
- Tetra Pak
- Program Manager Tetra Pak Packaging Solutions

Mats Sandgren
- Docent

- Chair of the Treesearch board
Mikael Hannus
- Stora Enso
- Senior Vice President, Group Innovation R&D at Stora Enso

Mikael Lindström
- Professor, Prorektor

Mikael Nilsson
- Billerud

Ola Schultz-Eklund
- Holmen
- Senior Vice President Technology

Ola Wallberg
- Lunds universitet
- Professor

Pär Weihed
- Luleå tekniska universitet
- Professor, Pro Vice-Chancellor

Ulrika Andreasson
- Gruppchef

Ulrika Rova
- Luleå tekniska universitet
- Professor