SAXS Course “DAX to MAX your SAXS data”

FPIRC in cooperation with Treesearch

3 – 4.5 ECTS


Time: November 26 – 28

Location: Max Lab, Lund university

Language: The course is held in English

Credits: 3 ECTS + an additional 1.5 ECTS fulfil the home-work.

Registration: contact Gunnar Westman 



Treesearch has as one of their visions to make advanced research infrastructure available for research in academia and industry. One of the Portals will be the Formax beamline at Max IV. To facilitate the use of beam experiments in wood and cellulose research FPIRC and Treesearch will arrange a common course for Swedish Ph.D. students and industry representatives with the goals:

  • The students should be able to set up and perform a research project wherein some of the results are based upon SAXS/WAXS/SANS measurements
  • The participants should be able to interpret SAXs raw data files in a good way and be aware on pitfalls when interpreting SAXS data
  • The participants should have a clear picture of the infra-structure in Europe and how to get access to it in a time wise way
  • The participants should be aware of the research landscape and see research opportunities in lignocellulosic materials and SAXS/WAXS
  • The participants should have an insight in other ongoing Treesearch projects


The course will consist of lectures, group work on analysis and interpretation of raw-data from SAXs measurements and discussions.

There will be no official course book; the course material will be research articles, reviews and lecture notes.



Before the course starts, the students will get access to a number of relevant publications and at least one webinar. As course book we will use the SAXS Guide from Anton Paar. A hard copy can be ordered on PDF of the book will be able on the course page.

The students shall make a presentation, 6 minutes 3-4 slides, of their research field and some plausible ways to use SAXS in their research.


Tentative Programme

Day 1, 26/11, 12:00-17:00, dinner 18:30, TetraPak

12:00 lunch (informal welcome to course)

13:00-15:00 Study Visit Tetra Pak.

15:00-15:15 Lecture 1: Treesearch, what it is and what is expected from Treesearch Students attending this course [Gunnar Westman]

15:15-16:00 Lecture 2a: Imaging from SAXS [Marianne Liebl]


Walk to hotel and conference room

16:30 Students 1: Students present their ongoing projects and thoughts on how to implement SAXS (6 min 3-4 slides/person)

17:00 Lecture 2b Introduction to softwares and how to use them

17:30-18:00 Group work: Students work on their own data in small groups, have access to a teacher

Dinner 18:30-20:00

20:00-21:30Group work, continuation


Day 2, 27/11, 09:00-17:00, dinner 18:30, MAX IV Laboratory

08:30 Lecture 3a: Infrastructure in Europe and how to access and time-wisely plan for access. (synchrotron, neutron) [Kim Nygård]

09:00 Lecture 3b How to interpret SAXS data and some rookie mistakes and pitfalls when interpreting data [Kim Nygård]

10:00-11:00 Students 2: Students present their preliminary results and how the prel. results align with published results/data. (10 minutes, 5-6 slides/group)
11:00-12:00 Lecture 4a:  SAXS/WAXS studies on lignocellulosic materials [Yoshiharu Nishiyama]

12:00-13:00 Lecture 4b: Cellulose an NMR-SAXS comparable study, Tomas Larsson, RISE, Stockholm.

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:15-15:15 Tour

15:30-17.00 Group work: work on their own data in small groups, PART II

20:00-22 Group work


Day 3, 28/11, 09:00-15:30, Lund University

Sal R kl. 8-12 (plan 0). 08:30-09:30 Lecture 5: Polysaccharide hydrogel structure revealed by SANS: Effect of divalent cations, Aline Maire du Poset, University of Burgundy, Dijon, France

09:30-10:30 Lecture 6: SAXS/WAXS on dissolved cellulose, Professor Ulf Olsson, Lunds Universitet.

10:30-12:00 Group work: sum up work on own data and write a research proposal

Sal P 12-15 (plan -1). 13:00-15:00 Present project and proposal, short feedback from evaluator

Closing up approx

15:30, free walk to station/transport



Students continue on their project proposals and summit two Evaluator

Students do hands-on experiment on SAXS instrument at Chalmers or RISE Bioeconomy (Innventia).
Skype meet where groups present their SAXS experiments and show raw data



3 ECTS, an additional 1.5 ECTS will be given to students that fulfil the home-work, SAXS-experiment at Chalmers or Innventia, described above



The fee for the Swedish participants from universities is reduced to SEK 1,500:- (an invoice will be sent to the university after the conference) per person, thanks to Gunnar Sundblads forskningsfond. The fee includes all, but the travel to and from Lund), which has to be arranged individually.


More information

Further Questions are answered by Gunnar Westman.