The carbohydrate analysis platform consists of several analysis techniques:
Monosaccharide analysis (sulphuric/IC):
Quantification of wood monosaccharides in triplicates using sulphuric hydrolysis and anion exchange chromatography. Analysis especially suited for samples containing cellulose. Minimum of 6 samples (for fewer number of samples the analysis can be discussed).
Monosaccharide analysis (TFA/IC):
Quantification of wood monosaccharides (including uronic acids) in triplicates using TFA hydrolysis and anion exchange chromatography. Analysis especially suited for samples not containing cellulose. Minimum of 6 samples (for fewer number of samples the analysis can be discussed).
Glycosidic linkage analysis (methylation + GC-MS)
Determination of the glycosidic linkage pattern of wood polysaccharides and other plant tissues, by analysis of partially-methylated alditol acetates (PMAAs) and GC-MS. Minimum of 6 samples (for fewer number of samples the analysis can be discussed).
Oligosaccharide analysis (IC)
Oligosaccharide profiling using anionic exchange chromatography.
LC-ESI-MS for oligosaccharide mass profiling
Oligosaccharide mass profiling using mass spectrometry (ESI-MS or LC-MS). Minimum of 6 samples (for fewer number of samples the analysis can be discussed).
Molar mass distributions (SEC in DMSO):
Determination of molar mass distributions for wood polymers. Especially suited for samples soluble in DMSO (e.g. hemicelluloses, lignin). The analysis can be performed by a combination of multiple detectors, including refractive index (DRI), ultraviolet (UV) and multi-angle laser light scattering detection.
Treesearch aims at creating a national platform to support the research on new materials from the forest. Research projects conducted within Treesearch research areas and the researchers who are active in these projects are welcome to join the platform.
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100 44 Stockholm