1st Paperboard Simulation Benchmark Challenge
October 24 2019
10.00 - 13.00
KTH, Stockholm, Sweden / Online
Welcome to participate in the 1st Paperboard Simulation Benchmark Challenge! This challenge is held as simulation challenge and a one day event to give scientist working in the field a chance to meet and compare the models. The aim is to lead to scientific progress in the field and the challenge will result in a joint publication.
You are welcome to participate in the both the challenge and the event or in only one of them. The event is possible to attend online.
Programme October 24
10.00 Welcome and introduction to the Paperboard Simulation Benchmark Challenge – Male Wallmeier, KTH
10.10 State of the art of the research field – Artem Kulachenko, KTH
10.45 Presentation by challenge participants
11.00 Coffee break
11.15 Presentation by challenge participants
11.45 Announcement of the winner
12 – 13 Discussion/future work
13.00 Lunch and coffee
Why a Paperboard Simulation Benchmark Challenge?
During the years many material models have been established, but still no scientific consensus has been reached on the applicability of models for specific problems. No comparison of materials models and modeling techniques has been done.
The idea of the 1st Paperboard Simulation Benchmark Challenge is to have a ”competition” between the groups of different universities and research facilities that will result in a joint publication. The results of the competition will be announced on the event October 24th, where the participants will get a chance to meet, discuss and listen to leading scientists in the field. It is possible to attend the event online.
The Paperboard Simulation Challenge
The aim of the benchmark tests is to provide a test piece for the comparison of different simulation techniques, simulation programs, material models, modeling techniques and characterization procedures. The benchmark problems are designed to provide a challenge for researchers from different groups. All researchers are invited to report their results and present their models in the subsequent conference. After the competition, the validation data will be published to provide a universal test piece that can be used in future publications, in order to compare new models and methods to existing ones.
Two load cases were chosen for the benchmark study:
the deformation of paperboard subjected to biaxial in-plane tensile strains,
the deformation of paperboard in a 5-point bending test.
The competitors receive the descriptions of the processes, the geometry of the samples and the deformation procedure. Furthermore, the experimental data for parametrization of the material models is presented to the competitors. The procedure for reporting of the results and the properties of the models and software is specified.
Material data from standardized tests
Process description
Specifications for the presentation of the result
Participants are requested to report
Simulation software
- Meshing
Contact model S
Simulation hardware
- CPU number
- Memory etc.
Details about the material model
- Yield function
- Hardening rule etc.
Malte Wallmeier
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
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