May 7 - 8
Kolmården, Norrköping
Welcome to the first Treesearch Progress conference and listen to how Treesearch will create strong and sustainable collaboration between academy and industry to make Sweden a leading bioeconomy. The conference will bring together participants from academy, industry and institutes and gives highlights of the research on new materials and specialty chemicals from the forest.
Registration is now closed.
The program
Tuesday May 7
13.00 Welcome and start of the conference
13.00 Treesearch – collaboration for new materials from the forest,
Daniel Söderberg, Director Treesearch
Jenny Joensuu, Deputy Director Treesearch
13.30 Perspectives from the industry: research and competence for an industrial transformation
Magnus Wikstöm, Executive vice President Innovation BillerudKorsnäs
Patrik Isaksson, Ahlstrom-Munksjö/Linköping University
Kajsa Markstedt, BillerudKorsnäs
Karl Håkansson, RISE
14.25 Treesearch Labs
Tahani Kaldeus, Treesearch
Carl Moser, Treesearch
14.30 Treesearch, a part of the Swedish Government’s strategic investments for a circular and biobased economy
Ibrahim Baylan, Minster of Enterprise
15.00 Science Fair and coffee break
15.30 The strategic innovation programme BioInnovation
Anna Wiberg, BioInnovation
15.45 Keynote Speaker: Sara Mazur
16.30 Science Fair and pre-dinner mingle
19.00 Dinner
Wednesday May 8
Gunnar Westman, Treesearch
Eva Malmström, Treesearch
09.00 Perspectives from the academy: research and education at the universities
Mikael Lindström, KTH
Gunnar Westman, Chalmers
Isak Enguist,Linköping University
Kaarlo Niskanen, Mid Sweden University
Ola Wallberg, Lunds University
Sylvia Larsson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
09.50 Short break
10.00 Highlights from research within Treesearch: large research centres and research at institutes
Lars Wågberg, Wallenberg Wood Science Center
Göran Gustafsson, Digital Cellulose Center
Birgitta Engberg, Fibre Science and Communication Network (FSCN)
Pia Wågberg, RISE
11.00 Coffee break, short walk to the parallel sessions
11.15 Highlights from research within Treesearch (Parallel sessions)
Parallel sessions, see separate schedule >>
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Highlights from research within Treesearch cont. (Parallel sessions)
Parallel sessions, see separate schedule >>
14.15 Coffee break
14.30 Highlights from research within Treesearch cont. (Parallel sessions)
Parallel sessions, see separate schedule >>
15.30 Summary and end of conference
16.00 Buses leave for Stockholm C, Norrköping C and Katrineholm C
The program times and titles may change
The speakers
General manager at the Biomass Technology Centre, SLU
+ over 40 speakers in the parallel sessions and poster presenters! See the schedule for the parallel sessions and the information about posters here >>
The practical details
When: May 7 – 8. The program starts May 7 with lunch at 12.00.
Who can attend: Treesearch associated (e.g., researcher, PhD student or postdoc) or working at a Treesearch partner. You can also be a special invited guest.
Venue: Vildmarkshotellet, Norrköping (see map below). Treesearch arranges bus transfer from Stockholm C, Norrköping C and Katrinehom C. From Stockholm C it takes about 1.5 h to travel to Vildmarkshotellet (depending on traffic) and from Norrköping C about 40 minutes.
Cost: The cost for the conference and lunches/dinner is covered by Treesearch for you who are associated to Treesearch or are an employee at a Treesearch partner.
Bus transfer: Treesearch is arranging bus transfer from Stockholm C, Norrköping C and Katrinehom C. Sign up for the transfer in the registration. See the schedule below.
If you want to arrange your own transfer you can read more on Kolmården’s website on how to get to the venue.
Station Departure May 7 Arrival May 8
Stockholm C 9.30 18.00
Norrköping C 11.00 17.00
Katrineholm C 10.30 17.15
Accommodation: In the registration you can book room at the venue Vildmarkshotellet. The cost for the room is covered by the participant/the participant’s organisation and can be payed on site.
Registration: last day to register is April 19
For questions regarding the conference and content please contact Jenny Joensuu, Deputy Director, Collaboration at collaboration@treesearch.se
For questions regarding your registration contact the registrar at registrator@treesearch.se