Treesearch Research Infrastructure gives you access to instruments and expertise

By filling in a short application on, you as a researcher can quickly get started with advanced characterization of your samples with the help of the advanced instruments and expertise found within Treesearch. So far, over 100 applications have gotten support through and the hope is that the number of applications will continue to increase.

– It is my hope that more researchers will discover the fantastic opportunities that open up with Treesearch, says Anastasia Riazanova, newly appointed Research Infrastructure Coordinator in Treesearch. By the Treesearch research infrastructure program you can access 25 infrastructures, and we are continuously developing the program.

Yunus Görür, PhD student at KTH, is one of the Treesearch associated that applied for research infrastructure during 2019. Don’t wait, just go ahead and apply, is his advice to all who are interested in the research infrastructure within Treesearch.
Read the full story with Yunus here >>

Tiina Nypelö, assistant professor at Chalmers, is another example of a researcher that has applied for access and support to research infrastructure as she applied for SAXS measurements. Success, is the word she uses when she describes her experience.

– It appeared almost too easy for me since I got so good help.

Read the full story with Tiina here >>

Are you interested in applying for access to and support for advanced research infrastructure for your own project? Follow the link below to find out more!

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