About Treesearch

Knowledge and competence for the material of the future from the forest

The Swedish collaboration platform Treesearch creates an open research environment between academia, industry, research institutes, private foundations and the Swedish government. Treesearch is a national, joint effort that lays the foundation for future innovations from the forest and contributes to making Sweden a leader in the development of becoming a bio-based economy.


Treesearch – a national platform

Treesearch was founded from a common insight of the need for a transformation of the industry to an even more high-tech industry based on forest raw materials. To achieve this, industry and academia need more and more efficient research, to attract and capture the young talents as well as increased collaboration.

The platform started in 2017 as a joint initiative by industry and academia. From the start, Treesearch received governmental support within the framework of the government’s collaboration program for Circular and Bio-based Economy. The number of partner companies and partner universities has grown from the initial 8 to 18, and over 600 researchers from Treesearch’s partners and Swedish universities are to date (February 2024) associated to Treesearch.

Treesearch is a long-term initiative that will run until 2028.


The aim of Treesearch is to become a world-leading collaboration platform for research on new materials and specialty chemicals from the Swedish forest. Treesearch gathers and supports fundamental research on materials from forest raw materials by creating a national common platform in a joint effort for future bio-based innovations. By making national resources available, such as advanced research infrastructure, education and collaboration activities, Treesearch ensures the dissemination of knowledge and the supply of competenceto create a sustainable society.


Treesearch is strengthening Sweden’s opportunities to transform into a circular, bio-based economy by 2050, and is expected to have the following effects:
    • An increased knowledge and competence level within academia and industry that will contribute to the development of Sweden’s future industries that produce and use bio-based materials and specialty chemicals from forest raw materials.
    • Pioneering research results that can be transformed into high tech and innovations in Swedish industry and help to meet the climate challenge
    • Education of 250 to 300 young researchers equipped with unique cutting-edge skills  that can develop new knowledge and new technologies for the forest industry and related industries

Treesearch today

Treesearch started as a project within Wallenberg Wood Science Center (WWSC) and is after a development phase a platform in full operation that offers, among other things, conferences, seminars, education and access to advanced research infrastructure. Treesearch also has established channels for disseminating information to ensures that the results of current research are passed on to develop future innovations.

At treesearch.se you can find information such as associated researchers and projects. You can also follow Treesearch at Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

If you want to get in contact with Treesearch by mail you find the contact information here..