
Conference and Knowledge integration

Treesearch creates an open platform that supports activities within research of new materials and specialty chemicals from the forest. A part of this is to arrange and support internal and external conferences, seminars, and workshops but also to facilitate site visits, information exchange, and networking events. There is a particular focus on creating recurring encounters between partners in Treesearch and to arrange activities that promote mobility of research staff within academia, industry, and research institute.

Ongoing activities in Collaboration

In Treesearch collaboration we are working on communication material and networks to spread information about activities from and within the platform. The appointed workgroup called KKI (Conferences and Knowledge Integration) with representatives from both industry and academia is constantly working on finding new common events and activities to strengthen collaboration and knowledge integration. Currently, we are especially concerned with finding and implementing new digital ways to create online meeting spaces for collaboration.

We offer for example:

Newsletters, site visits, , workshops, seminars and conferences (read more at Conference Concept), online streaming of doctoral thesis presentations, internal and external information channels, showcase products from Treesearch partners placed at universities, event support etc..

Have a look at our Calendar for upcoming activities.

Support for collaboration

Treesearch supports activities within collaboration that are connected to the four Treesearch research areas. For example, if you are a scientist and want to arrange a seminar, Treesearch can help you with arranging seminars in the format of Treesearch Scientific Sessions or Treesearch Insight. If you are planning a seminar and want to apply for support, click on the button below to see what you can get help with.

Are you curious on how Treesearch could help spread information through newsletters for example? Do you need support to organize an event that is related to the research areas in Treesearch? Do you have other ideas or questions?

Do not hesitate to contact us at

Treesearch Progress is one of our annual conferences where invited speakers present the latest scientific breakthroughs and the platform's progress