Fibre Water Interactions

Course content:

  • Moisture sorption and swelling
  • Water sorption and paper structure
  • Influence of temperature and water on mechanical properties
  • Interactions of fibres and water – product demands
  • Influence of moisture on mechanosorptive creep

Learning objectives:

The student will after the course have a fundamental understanding of the;

  • mechanisms controlling moisture sorption and water-induced swelling of fibres,
  • influence of moisture sorption on the mechanical properties of fibres and papers,
  • mechanosorptive behaviour of paper and paper products,
  • factors controlling liquid imbibition into fibrous networks, and
  • limitations of fibrous products due to the interaction between water and fibres.
November 13-16, 2023




October 15, 2023


Professors and research leaders from industry.


Scientific articles and reviews.



Course fee:

For Treesearch associated Ph.D-students and post-doc the course is free of charge. For persons from Industries associated to Treesearch the course cost is 5000 SEK for one person, 9000 SEK (4500 SEK/person) for two persons and 12000 SEK (4000 SEK/person) for three persons. For persons belonging to organizations not associated to Treesearch the cost is 21 300 SEK.

Course responsible:

Prof. Lars Wågberg
KTH logotype

Maximum number of participants: 25