Education for the future bioeconomy
Upcoming courses
SPCI Ung Kompetens
SPCI Karin Wilson-träffen
Lunch seminar at LiU – Infrastructure
Study visit to SLU and BioGlue-Centre – Treesearch Meet
FibRe and Treesearch online seminar series: Isabelle Capron, INRAE
Defence of doctoral thesis: Van Minh Dinh – Valorization of biomass byproducts: the potential of chitin and lignin through solid catalysts
BioGlue webinar: Antonio Pizzi – Environmentally-friendly Bio-adhesive Technologies
Mini conference: The Artificial Intelligence managed Pulp and Paper Production
Resurssmarta Processer Spring workshop 2025
Kopia av Course: AI for Scientists – An Introduction
Course: AI for Scientists – An Introduction
Digital Workshop 2, Utbildningskonferensen 2025 – Tema utbildningsmaterial i masterutbildning: ForestBio Facts
Within Treesearch, education for doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows and researchers from academia, industry and institute is arranged to meet the needs of the future. The educational programme aims to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical experience by including course elements that provide hands-on training and study visits.
Treesearch organizes courses at overview level (O) and focus level (F), infrastructure courses and courses together with WWSC Academy. The majority of these courses are given during a cohesive period or alternatively there are opportunities to follow the course remotely to facilitate for participants from other locations.
The courses are aimed primarily at doctoral students and, secondly, at postdoctoral students, researchers at universities and those from industry. The O courses also have students at the master’s level the opportunity to participate in. All courses have learning objectives and quality follow-up according to the rules that exist at the educational institution that gives the course.
Contact Treesearch education
If you have questions regarding the education and courses in Treesearch, please contact