Since 2007, my research has centred on advancing Materials Science and Engineering by focusing on sustainable materials development to replace non-biodegradable thermoplastics derived from oil. My early work has been committed to exploring biopolymers and natural fillers, seeking to understand the intricate relationship between structure, processing, and performance. My group is among the world leaders in pioneering methods leading towards traditional plastic replacement through close collaboration between the scientific community, industry, and society. With interdisciplinary expertise in polymer chemistry and physics and extensive international collaborations, our work develops systematic approaches to bioplastics engineering and bridges the gap between industrial needs and materials science. Recent topics in my group involve enzymes/microbes as biocatalysts for the metabolic engineering of bioplastics. The aim is to control the bioplastic end-of-life, incl. recycling and biodegradation.
Treesearch aims at creating a national platform to support the research on new materials from the forest. Research projects conducted within Treesearch research areas and the researchers who are active in these projects are welcome to join the platform.
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Teknikringen 38a
100 44 Stockholm