Thesis defense

Defence of doctoral thesis: Pierre Munier – Assembly and alignment in cellulose nanomaterial-based composite dispersions and thermally insulating foams

Stockholm University | WWSC Supervisor: Professor Lennart Bergström,  Stockholm University The defense will be held online. Join the zoom webinar If you have trouble with the link try to past into your browser. Abstract: Research on nanoparticles extracted from renewable and highly available sources is motivated by both the development of functional nanomaterials and […]

Defence of doctoral thesis: Pierre Munier – Assembly and alignment in cellulose nanomaterial-based composite dispersions and thermally insulating foams Read More »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Olof Ferritsius – Beyond averages – some aspects of how to describe a heterogeneous material, mechanical pulp, on particle level

MiUN Supervisor: Associate Professor Birgitta Engberg, Mid Sweden University The defense will be held online via Zoom. Register at Register at Abstract For a more profound understanding of how a process works, it is essential to have a relevant description of the material being processed. With this description, it will be easier to

Defence of doctoral thesis: Olof Ferritsius – Beyond averages – some aspects of how to describe a heterogeneous material, mechanical pulp, on particle level Read More »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Rana Alimohammadzadeh – Eco-Friendly and Catalytic Surface Engineering of Cellulose and Nanocellulose

MiUN Supervisor: Armando Cordova, Mid Sweden University The defense will be held online via Zoom. Join by clicking the button or read more at Follow the defense on zoom here Abstract The non-stop use of petroleum-based materials such as plastics can generate significant environmental problems, including pollution of the oceans and increased CO2 levels, and

Defence of doctoral thesis: Rana Alimohammadzadeh – Eco-Friendly and Catalytic Surface Engineering of Cellulose and Nanocellulose Read More »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Varvara Apostolopoulou – Thermal Conductivity of Hygroscopic Foams Based on Cellulose Nanomaterials

SU | WWSC Supervisor: Lennart Bergström, Stockholm University The defense will be held online via Zoom. Join by clicking the button below or by pasting the adress into your browser: Follow the defense on zoom here Biobased super-insulating materials could mitigate climate change by minimizing the use of petroleum-based materials, creating artificial carbon sinks and minimizing the

Defence of doctoral thesis: Varvara Apostolopoulou – Thermal Conductivity of Hygroscopic Foams Based on Cellulose Nanomaterials Read More »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Calvin Brett – Neutron and X-ray Surface Scattering Reveals the Morphology of Soft Matter Thin Films

KTH | WWSC Opponent: Professor Orlando Rojas, University of British Columbia Supervisors: Professor Daniel Söderberg, KTH and professor Mats Johansson, KTH Follow the defense on zoom here Abstract: The last decades have been overshadowed by reports about the seemingly endless increase use of fossil-based resources. With the development of new products, our mindset is changing so that

Defence of doctoral thesis: Calvin Brett – Neutron and X-ray Surface Scattering Reveals the Morphology of Soft Matter Thin Films Read More »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Malin Nordenström – Colloidal interactions and arrested dynamics of cellulose nanofibrils

KTH | WWSC Opponent: Professor Wim Thielemans, KU Leuven Supervisor: Professor Lars Wågberg, KTH Co-supervisors: Torbjörn Pettersson, KTH,  Professor Lars Göran Ödberg, KTH,  Andreas Fall, RISE Bioeconomy The defense is held online in a Zoom webinar. Register to attend the defense at or by clicking the button below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about

Defence of doctoral thesis: Malin Nordenström – Colloidal interactions and arrested dynamics of cellulose nanofibrils Read More »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Basel Al-Rudainy – Galactoglucomannan Recovery from Softwood Spent Sulfite Liquor -Challenges, Process Design and Techno-economic Evaluations

Lund University Opponent: professor Mika Mänttäri, LUT University, Finland The thesis defense will be possible to follow online via YouTube Link: Abstract In the production of pulp and paper, water-soluble components, such as hemicellulose, monosaccharides, and lignin, are released and accumulate in the process water. The process water is usually concentrated and incinerated for

Defence of doctoral thesis: Basel Al-Rudainy – Galactoglucomannan Recovery from Softwood Spent Sulfite Liquor -Challenges, Process Design and Techno-economic Evaluations Read More »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Joanna Wojtasz-Mucha – Pre-extraction of wood component – Mild hydrothermal methods for a future materials biorefinery

Chalmers / WWSC Opponent: Mats Galbe, Lund University The thesis defense will be online via Zoom in a password-protected meeting. Welcome to contact the chairman for the thesis defense, Tuve Mattson (  to obtain the password for the meeting. Link to the meeting: Abstract Today there is an increasing urgency in discovering new, and

Defence of doctoral thesis: Joanna Wojtasz-Mucha – Pre-extraction of wood component – Mild hydrothermal methods for a future materials biorefinery Read More »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Marie Bäckström – The effect of environment on refining efficiency of kraft pulps

KTH Opponent: Docent Leif Robertsen, Åbo Akademi Supervisors: Professor Monica Ek and Professor Lennart Salmén The seminar will be available for streaming via Zoom webinar Follow the defense here Abstract Although the pulp and paper mill processes have been operational for long time there is still a need to understand the unit operations in paper

Defence of doctoral thesis: Marie Bäckström – The effect of environment on refining efficiency of kraft pulps Read More »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Tianxiao Huang – Hydrophobization of cellulose for bio-based materials

KTH Opponent: Docent Merima Hasani, Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Supervisor: Professor Monica Ek, Fiber- och polymerteknologi The seminar will be on Zoom. Link to zoom:   Abstract As a main structural component of plants, cellulose is naturally abundant and widely distributed on earth. Although the chemical formula of

Defence of doctoral thesis: Tianxiao Huang – Hydrophobization of cellulose for bio-based materials Read More »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Jiayi Yang – Utilization of Cellulosic Biomass towards sustainable Chemicals and Novel Biomaterials.

Mittuniversitetet / FSCN Opponent: Professor Pedro Fardim Supervisor: Professor Magnus Norgren, Professor Håkan Edlund The presentation will be streamed on MIUN YouTube/via Zoom. You can also find all information at the FSCN calendar webpage >> The seminar will be on Zoom. Link to zoom: The presentation will be streamed on MIUN Youtube channel. Abstract It

Defence of doctoral thesis: Jiayi Yang – Utilization of Cellulosic Biomass towards sustainable Chemicals and Novel Biomaterials. Read More »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Hyeyun Kim – Wood-Based Nanocellulose In Lithium Ion Batteries and Electrochemical Coatings

KTH / WWSC Opponent: Doctor Davide Beneventi, Centre national de la recherche scientifique Supervisor: Professor Ann M. Cornell, Kemiteknik, Tillämpad elektrokemi, Wallenberg Wood Science Center The presentation will be streamed on this page Abstract Lithium ion batteries contain diverse functional polymeric materials, e.g. binders and separators. Naturally self-assembled wood cellulose can be disintegrated to nanosized

Defence of doctoral thesis: Hyeyun Kim – Wood-Based Nanocellulose In Lithium Ion Batteries and Electrochemical Coatings Read More »