Online conference, September 23 – 24
Treesearch Progress 2020 goes online! Due to the current situation with the ongoing pandemic, Treesearch is converting the 2020 Progress conference to a two half-days online event. During these days, this online conference will just as the regular Treesearch Progress give you an update of the ongoing research within Treesearch!
Treesearch Progress is a scientific conference with speakers from Treesearch presenting the latest scientific advances and the progress of the platform.
This second Treesearch Progress will be held as an online conference during two half-days. The conference is open for you who are associated to Treesearch or working in a Treesearch partner organisation. Read more about the Treesearch Progress conference concept >>
Day 1: Research in collaboration with the industry – projects from Treesearch's and BioInnovation's call 2017
The first day of the conference is dedicated the projects from Treesearch’s and BioInnovation’s call Research studies in collaboration with the industry. In total 11 doctoral and postdoctoral projects that aim at developing new materials, conducted in collaboration with industries, were supported. During this day you will have the chance to listen to results from some of the projects.
Day 2: Research presentations by young researchers

Now you can find the first posters and pitches for the presentations and more will come! Follow the link to take part of this online session, available both before and after the conference!
Wednesday September 23
09.00 | Welcome and introduction Anna Wiberg, Program Manager BioInnovation |
09.15 | Process-adapted biobased assortments through novel development of the steam explosion process |
09.30 | Green wood adhesives based on side-streams from the pulp industry |
09.45 | Biocomposites-Materials modification to increase the processability at high fiber contents |
10.00 Coffee break + surprise presentation | |
10.15 | Lignin/Carbon Composite Electrodes for Large- scale Organic Batteries |
10.30 | Adsorption of functional polymers to cellulose in the bleaching step – a way to increase the properties of the fibers |
10.45 | Photochemical H2O2 evolution |
11.00 Coffee break + a visit to research infrastructure | |
11.15 | Towards zero defencts in packaging materials |
11.30 | Transparent, cellulose-based packaging materials with good barrier properties |
11.45 | Kraft Lignin Heterogeneity: New piece in the structure puzzle with salient mechanistic implications (Project name Modification of Kraft Lignin for Material Synthesis) |
Thursday September 24
The program may be updated closer to the conference
Registration is free and open for you who are associated to Treesearch or working at a Treesearch-partner.
For questions regarding the conference and content please contact Jenny Joensuu, Deputy Director, Collaboration at collaboration@treesearch.se