Bright possibility to extract hydrogen peroxide from lignin

By exposing the lignin in the pulp to daylight, a photocatalytic production of hydrogen peroxide takes place inside the pulp process. – This could mean a real simplification of the manufacturing process for bleached paper. You simply skip the step of adding hydrogen peroxide from the outside. Instead, the mass is exposed to light, explains […]
New method for making nano paper

Yunus Can Görür, doctoral student in Fiber Technology at KTH, supervised by Professor Lars Wågberg and Doctor Per Larsson, has in his doctoral project managed to show that it is possible to chemically pre-treat fibers in such a way that it is possible to first make paper from the fibers and then subject them to […]
Artificial lignin detected when the pulping process is closely studied

Lignin has gone from a residual product to becoming highly interesting as a raw material for more value-creating products. However, there are still many knowledge gaps around lignin, something that Nicola’s research together with Stora Enso has helped to fill. Nicola’s research is now highlighted in an interview on BioInnovation’s website. Read more at […]
Fabricating well-performing electronic paper using standard papermaking techniques

This article is part of a news series where we highlight the latest research from our Treesearch partners and within the Treesearch thematic research areas. Articles are published regularly once a month. The presented study explores the mixture of common cellulosic pulp fibers with conducting nanographite flakes from 2Dfab, a high-performance electroactive material. The resulting […]
New “world record” in tribo electricity

By using the phenomenon of triboelectricity, researchers have been able to utilize frictional forces between two cellulose surfaces to generate electricity. – No one has previously been able to show a similar result, which is why we, a little cocky perhaps, can call it a new “world record” for cellulose materials, says Renyun Zhang, associate […]
New advances in making plastic from lignin

Analyzes at the Petra III synchrotron at DESY have been crucial to the results. – What we have done at DESY is unique, says Marcus Jawerth, who did his PhD in the project Read more at (in Swedish) >> Want to know more about Marcus research? Watch the presentation from the defense here >> […]
Aerogels of nanocellulose purify water by the use of sunlight

The study was recently published in Advanced Sustainable Systems. – The rate of evaporation is four to five times higher than for direct evaporation, which means we can purify larger volumes of water, says Simone Fabiano, research leader in the field of organic nanoelectronics, the Laboratory of Organic Electronics, Linköping university. Read more at […]
Armando Cordova at MidSweden University receives the 2020 competence development award

“An interesting research area where the Gunnar Sundblad Research Foundation sees that Armando Cordova can come up with important results that can be of great importance in the future.” So is the motivation for the prize consists of SEK 500,000. The prize will contribute to insights about new process or product possibilities in the Swedish […]
Eva Malmström new director for WWWSC

The WWSC research center focuses on fundamental research to develop a foundation for a new generation of innovative wood-based materials and is a collaboration between KTH, Chalmers and Linköping University with funding from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and the forest industry via Treesearch. – I want to build trust and confidence between the […]
Treesearch and WWSC is starting a virtual conference series

As more and more conferences are cancelled due to the corona pandemic, Treesearch and WWSC want to contribute to the open scientific conversation by starting a virtual conference series. Twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, researchers, doctoral students and postdocs will talk about their research in new material from the forest on Treesearch’s YouTube […]