IR imaging mode:
The IR Imaging system has three different modes:
- Point mode (Picture and high quality IR scan in a single point)
- Image mode (Picture and IR scans over an area)
- ATR image mode (High quality IR scans over an area)
FTIR mode:
- The instrument uses MIR technology
- The detector is MIR TGS
- To the instrument is a Red Golden Gate setup accessory unit installed from Graseby Specac LTD (Kent, England)
- The Golden Gate is equipped with a single reflection ATR setup (ATR: attenuated total reflection)
Real-time FTIR mode:
- The instrument uses MIR technology
- The detector is MIR TGS
- To the instrument is a Red Golden Gate setup accessory unit installed from Graseby Specac LTD (Kent, England)
- The Golden Gate is equipped with a single reflection ATR setup (ATR: attenuated total reflection)
For initiating reaction:
- If you intend to follow curing reaction of a resin into a thermoset please make a test reaction on glas substrate first and advise with the instrument responsible person
- Temperature controller may be used to initiate reaction however if you plan to use it over 150C please advise with instrument responsible person first
- UV-initiated: you can use the hammamatsu UV lamp as instructed by instrument responsible person