BioUPGRADE – Biocatalytic upgrading of natural biopolymers for reassembly as multipurpose materials

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BioUPGRADE unites expertise in functional genomics and material science to deliver breakthrough biotechnologies that sustainably upgrade nature’s main structural biopolymers into high-value and multipurpose materials.Living organisms drive our planetary carbon cycle via biocatalysts that transform CO2 into an enormous array of diverse and functional molecules. A significant fraction of this carbon is transformed into structural cell wall polysaccharides, like cellulose, hemicelluloses, and chitin. Thus, these polysaccharides represent the most abundant source of natural polymers on Earth.Today, most biocatalysts used in bio-based economies degrade structural polysaccharides for use as commodity chemicals and fuels. Instead, BioUPGRADE is driven by the untapped opportunity to channel the selectivity of biocatalysts to create high-value and sustainable bioproducts that maximize the efficient use of renewable bioresources.

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