Treesearch at LiU
28 March, 12:00 - 13:00

Lunch Seminar: Treesearch Research Infrastructure – opportunities

Treesearch, a Swedish collaboration platform for fundamental research, knowledge and competence-building in the field of new and improved materials and speciality chemicals from forest raw material. Did you know that you may apply for and get access to Treesearch research infrastructure, which may help to accelerate your research? 

Join this lunch seminar to learn more about the infrastructure, available equipment, services and technology, how to apply and get access to, and what to think about before and after your application. 

Presenter: Anastasia Riazanova, KTH, Coordinator of Treesearch Research Infrastructure

Sign up for the IRL seminar and reserve your free lunch (sandwich/wrap and drink) by Thursday, 20 March, 01:00 p.m.

When: March 28, 12:00 – 13:00 (lunch served from 11.45)
to be confirmed, Campus Norrköping
Anastasia Riazanova, KTH

Costs: Free of charge

This seminar is open for everyone who is associated to Treesearch as well as for invited guests. The number of places is limited. Make sure to register as soon as possible to secure a spot.