Informations to the speakers in the parallel sessions at Treesearch Progress 2019

Updated 190501
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About the presentations:

Date: The presentations are held May 8. Your exact timeslot will be announced later.
Length of presentation: 10 minutes presentation + 5 minutes for question.
Language: English

Technical details:

Computer: the presentations will be hold from a common computer. Send your presentation to no later than April 30
Presentation format: preferably 16:9 (widescreen)
Microphone: yes


The audience has an insight in the research on materials from the forest and comes mainly from academia and the forest industry. There will be four parallel sessions, with an estimated audience of 40 persons per session.


Abstract: A book of abstract will be printed. If you want to change/add your abstract please contact no later than April 24.

Cancellation: If you for any reason needs to cancel your participation please contact communication@treesearch.seas soon as possible.

Registration: If you have not yet register please go to The registration closes April 19.