The carbohydrate analysis platform consists of several analysis techniques:
Monosaccharide analysis (sulphuric/IC):
Quantification of wood monosaccharides in triplicates using sulphuric hydrolysis and anion exchange chromatography. Analysis especially suited for samples containing cellulose. Minimum of 6 samples (for fewer number of samples the analysis can be discussed).
Monosaccharide analysis (TFA/IC):
Quantification of wood monosaccharides (including uronic acids) in triplicates using TFA hydrolysis and anion exchange chromatography. Analysis especially suited for samples not containing cellulose. Minimum of 6 samples (for fewer number of samples the analysis can be discussed).
Glycosidic linkage analysis (methylation + GC-MS)
Determination of the glycosidic linkage pattern of wood polysaccharides and other plant tissues, by analysis of partially-methylated alditol acetates (PMAAs) and GC-MS. Minimum of 6 samples (for fewer number of samples the analysis can be discussed).
Oligosaccharide analysis (IC)
Oligosaccharide profiling using anionic exchange chromatography.
LC-ESI-MS for oligosaccharide mass profiling
Oligosaccharide mass profiling using mass spectrometry (ESI-MS or LC-MS). Minimum of 6 samples (for fewer number of samples the analysis can be discussed).
Molar mass distributions (SEC in DMSO):
Determination of molar mass distributions for wood polymers. Especially suited for samples soluble in DMSO (e.g. hemicelluloses, lignin). The analysis can be performed by a combination of multiple detectors, including refractive index (DRI), ultraviolet (UV) and multi-angle laser light scattering detection.