Paper surfaces – Characterisation and properties

This course gives you indepth knowledge about the paper surface science

Course content:

  • Surface chemistry of paper Surface chemistry of paper
  • Surface topography
  • Pore structure
  • Surface characterization techniques
  • Light scattering and paper gloss – Effect of surface properties
  • Wettability, capillarity, spreading, special focus on short term wetting
  • Mechanical properties (incl. fracture mechanics) of coating layers
  • Ink–substrate interaction

Learning objectives:

After the course, the participants should be able to

  • apply a wide range of techniques used to characterize paper surface structure, paper surface chemistry and print quality, and account for the validity of the results of the same characterisation techniques
  • explain interfacial phenomena like wetting, absorption, friction and adhesion
  • describe the relation between surface topography and paper optical properties, and
  • describe how paper surface properties affect ink-paper interaction and print quality in different printing technologies.
  • describe the surface cracking phenomena on the basis of converting processes, substrate properties and coating layer composition.
September 30 – October 3, 2019




August 31, 2019


Prof. Peter Rättö, Doc. Li Yang, Dr Siv Lindberg, Dr Johan Alfthan, Dr Sofia Thorman, Dr Dimitar Valtakari and Lic Marie Ernstsson, RISE Bioeconomy; Prof. Agne Swerin KTH, Doc. Janet Preston, Imerys; Prof Patrick Gane, Aalto University.


Reprints from journals and handouts.


Basic knowledge in paper technology. Some knowledge in surface science is desired but not requested.

Course fee:

The course is free of charge for PhD-students, postdocs and employees at Swedish universities. International PhD-students and postdocs are entitled to a reduced course fee of SEK 5 600:- (excl. VAT). Industrial participants and participants from institute are welcome to take the course as commissioned education. For participants from a Treesearch partner the course is free of charge; participants from other organisations pay a fee of SEK 19 700:- (excl. VAT).

Course responsible:

Peter Rättö