Characterization of paperboard for creasing and folding
To form a package with desired properties, paperboard is creased and folded. Creasing creates delamination cracks which during folding cause the plies to buckle and form a permanent corner. The delamination cracks facilitate folding but reduce the load-bearing capacity of the packaging. The processes must therefore be controlled. The result is affected both by the […]
Development of thermoplastic lignocellulose based materials
The aim of this project is to develop and increase the knowledge of thermoplastic materials from bleached pulp through minimal chemical modification.
Plasticization and partial depolymerization of lignocellulose-based materials

This project is a part of the competence center FibRe. This particular PhD student project aims to plasticize the lignin in the cell walls. The first part will be to extract lignin from wood and wheat straw, and to evaluate how different plasticizers affect the material properties. This will then be extrapolated to lignocellulose-based fibers.
Design for Circularity: Lignocellulosic based Thermoplastics – FibRe

Global warming is one of the largest threats ever to our planet which can completely alter our living conditions. Human contributions to emissions of green-house gases must decrease, and a drastically decreased use of fossil resources is a key step to achieve this. Daunting 320 million tons of plastics are annually produced in the world, […]