Enzymatic engineering of hemicellulose hydrogels

In this project we will engineer hemicellulose hydrogels using a wide range of enzymes, from oxidative laccases that introduce crosslinking to specific hydrolases that cleave selectively side chains from the hemicelluloses. We expect that the enzymatic treatments will modulate the network interactions in the hydrogels and the rheological properties. We will investigate the morphology and

Enzymatic engineering of hemicellulose hydrogels Läs mer »

Wood modification towards hierarchical catalyst

Electrocatalytic reaction is a green technology for sustainable energy conversion, materials design, environment remediation, and green chemistry, where the role of catalyst is essential. Hierarchical structures combining multi-scale pores are favorable due to combined high specific surface area, mass diffusion in the structure and accessibility to the surface. In nature, biological materials are much more

Wood modification towards hierarchical catalyst Läs mer »

Förhorning av träfibrer

Projektet går ut på att genom experimentella studier bygga upp en kunskap kring förhorning av komponenterna i träfibrer. Förhorning är ett fenomen där, i nuläget praktiskt sett irreversibla, processer i samband med torkning förändrar fibrernas svällning och flexibilitet och därmed bindningsförmåga. Bindningsförmågan till andra fibrer har stor inverkan på hur starka fibernätverk kan skapas och

Förhorning av träfibrer Läs mer »

Wood-based barriers for wood-based materials

Paper/wood-based materials suffer from poor barrier and moisture-sensitive properties (left figure). By learning how nature (plants/fruits) create moisture and gas barriers, we have developed crosslinked barrier biopolyesters (representing the cutin layer in plants) with also a process that yields a rough wax-like outer layer, similar to what is observed in plants, giving high surface hydrophobicity

Wood-based barriers for wood-based materials Läs mer »

Physical Structure and Interactions between Lignin and its Surroundings

The aim of the project is to gain a deeper fundamental understanding of how the classical structural factors and unique morphology of lignin affects the interaction between lignin and lignin-based materials and its surroundings. The affect of chemical structure and morphology on the material performance of lignin-based materials will be investigated along with the behavior

Physical Structure and Interactions between Lignin and its Surroundings Läs mer »

Water based wood treatment

For a more sustainable production of wood aerogel, treatment with the water based solvent, NaOH, can give the wood template a porous structure in sub-zero conditions. However, it is found that the porosity of the wood templates treated with NaOH (aq) can be affected at room temperature conditions as well. Towards a greener aerogel production,

Water based wood treatment Läs mer »

Digital Cellulose Center

Centrumet har en tvärvetenskaplig kompetens och infrastruktur för industridriven, excellent forskning inom området digital cellulosa. Genom strategisk kompetens och samarbetsstrukturer ska centrumet göra cellulosabaserade produkter till en integrerad del av ett hållbart, digitalt samhälle och bidra till en ökad tillväxt hos den deltagande industrin. Forskningen inom Digital Cellulose Center fokuserar på området digital cellulosa, där

Digital Cellulose Center Läs mer »

Structure-properties relationship of covalently crosslinked cellulose networks

In this work, the structure-property relationship of covalently crosslinked cellulose networks is studied by utilizing   surface modified cellulose nanofibrils and polymer links of defined structure and molecular weight. The effect of  molecular weight, chemical functionality and concentration on specific surface area, swelling, and mechanical properties of the hydrogel networks will be investigated.

Structure-properties relationship of covalently crosslinked cellulose networks Läs mer »

BIOdegradable vegan networks from REcycled agro-food waste as sustainable single-use abSORBents (BioRESorb)

The objective is to develop biodegradable absorbents containing nonwoven fiber networks from agro-food biomass waste. The material's structure-absorption relationship will be investigated and designed to make a fully bio-based absorbent core encapsulated in a natural nonwoven fabric. The raw materials will also be combined with other natural polymers to provide additional functionality (antimicrobial or binding

BIOdegradable vegan networks from REcycled agro-food waste as sustainable single-use abSORBents (BioRESorb) Läs mer »