“Lightweight structural composites are a great way to reduce overall weight. Bio-based composites are used toreplace fossil-based materials in non-structural applications. This project will develop new lightweight structuralmaterials that are comprised of bio-based constituents. One of the most important aspects to understand whendeveloping new composites is the interface functionalization chemistry and its impact on rheological andmechanical properties. The understanding of this interaction is necessary for efficient material development. Thisinteraction will be studied in combinations of Swedish pine-based cellulous with Swedish plant-based polymers toimprove mechanical properties, thermal stability, and surface finish. The consortium of interdisciplinaryresearchers is what makes this endeavour possible. The researchers will focus their strengths in four researchareas: Additives and Functionalization, Processing and Experimental Testing, Imaging and Data Analysis, andMechanical Analysis and Simulation. With the three materials characterisation research areas working together toprovide continuous feedback to the Additives and Functionalization research area. This will provide the optimalarrangement for efficient improvement of the interface. The project will take place over a period of five yearsand employ several cutting-edge methods, including a recently developed microstructure testing platform.”