Mem-Fast – Membranes as Enablers for Future Biorefineries: from Fabrication to Advanced Separation Technologies

Treesearch research themes:

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The doctoral network “Mem-Fast” – Membranes as Enablers for Future Biorefineries: from Fabrication to Advanced SeparationTechnologies – aims to educate 10 future professionals, who have the needed understanding to facilitate the utilisation ofmembranes in the growing biorefining industry. The research and training activities implemented in the Mem-Fast network form a“first of its kind” novel and unique doctoral training program. This reflects changing research priorities and emerging disciplinesrelated to improving biorefinery processes to grow the Circular Economy. The network structures training at the European level inbeneficiaries (CNR-ITM, LUT, LU, ULANC, UMK, UNL, UT) and associated partners (Alfa Laval, Aquaporin, Fibenol, Deltamem, Domsjö,B4C asp, MemBrain, NX Filtration, RAIZ-Navigator, UNICAL, UPM) across 11 countries giving the doctoral students a highly appliedunderstanding on both membrane manufacturing and membrane processes and biorefinery processes that are critical to the futureof EU’s chemical sector and circular economy. The individual projects of the doctoral candidates aim to push forward the use ofmembranes in biorefineries through the development of advanced membranes, novel tools for monitoring and controlling of foulingand novel continuous processes for simultaneous bioconversion and recovery of products. The network program leads to a newapproach to training for the sector and will provide a first cohort of highly skilled future research leaders and managers by combiningthis network knowledge. Furthermore, it creates a basis for a European doctoral education focused on membranes in biorefineriesthat will be continued in the future.

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