Paul Gatenholm


Research area:

Research activities involves 3D printing technology and lignocellulosic materials with focus on control of 3D structures. We are studying the effect of nanocellulose morphology in dispersions on 3D printability which is strongly connected to rheological properties. Complex 3D structures are being printed with cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) and cellulose nanofibrils “inks” with various fibril length. Cellulose nanocrystals and fibril with shorter lengths can be printed at higher concentrations because lower viscosity. This results in ability to print free standing 3D structures with controlled shape and improved mechanical properties. We are also investigating different crosslinking alternatives of nanocellulose fibrils post 3D printing. One effective method we have evaluated is oxidation using periodate followed crosslinking with functionalized biopolymers. 3D printing technology offers unique opportunity to introduce functional components into 3D printed structures. In collaboration with Linköping University we are designing and 3D printing novel conductive structures.