Sathiyaraj Subramaniyan

Project: (Bio)degradability of modified biopolymers: relationship between structure, environment and degradation rate
Supervisor: Minna Hakkarainen
Sathiyaraj Subramaniyan

Research area:

I am Dr. Sathiyaraj Subramaniyan, a postdoctoral researcher working with Prof. Minna Hakkarainen, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Currently, I am developing high quality biopolymer synthesis and its recyclability for packaging and coating applications. Before joining Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH), I worked as a postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Baozhong Zhang at the Centre for Analysis and Synthesis at Lund University, Sweden. Before that, I worked as a National Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Associate in the Department of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad with Prof. Tusar Jana and Prof. R. Nagarajan. India.

My research focuses on the extraction of biologically produced building blocks and monomers, such as lignin or cellulose, from forestry waste. I have synthesized a variety of phenolic, alcohol or acidic aromatic building blocks for the production of biobased polyesters, polyimines, polyamides and polyurethanes with excellent thermal stability. The new material I have prepared promises to replace polyester for a variety of applications. Furthermore, I am working on some biomolecules with aromatic structures derived from isatin, lignin and ferulic acid, which have great potential to produce not only high thermal stability but also antioxidant, UV absorption, antibacterial properties, etc. of polymers,

I have published several research articles in international journals. In May 2018, I obtained my PhD in Polymer Chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Sultan Nasar from the University of Madras, Tamil Nadu, India. My PhD thesis is titled Hyperbranched Polymers and Dendrimers (Synthesis, solar cell application, antibacterial and antioxidant properties of hyperbranched poly(aryl-ether-urea)s, indolyl hyperbranched polyurethanes and dendrimers).