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Defence of doctoral thesis: Jonatan Henschen – Bio-based preparation of nanocellulose and functionalization using polyelectrolytes

KTH Supervisor: Professor Monica Ek,, KTH Opponent: Assoc. Prof. Emily Cranston, University British Columbia, Canada Treesearch is streaming the presentation part on this page  Abstract Nanocellulose is a material which can be extracted from wood, and in recent years it has received great attention for its interesting properties and wide range of possible applications. With the aim […]

Defence of doctoral thesis: Jonatan Henschen – Bio-based preparation of nanocellulose and functionalization using polyelectrolytes Läs mer »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Saina Kishani – On the Solubility of Wood Hemicelluloses in Water and its Influence on the Adsorption at Cellulose/Water Interfaces

KTH | WWSC Supervisor: Professor Lars Wågberg, KTH Opponent: Dr. Bernard Cathala, French National Institute for Agricultural Research, Frankrike Treesearch is streaming the presentation part on this page Abstract Hemicelluloses are a group of natural polysaccharides and one of the main components of wood. The availability and biodegradability of these polymers have created a great interest

Defence of doctoral thesis: Saina Kishani – On the Solubility of Wood Hemicelluloses in Water and its Influence on the Adsorption at Cellulose/Water Interfaces Läs mer »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Pernilla Karlsson – Swelling of Cellulose Fibrillar Matrices and Gels

KTH | WWSC Supervisor: Professor Lars Wågberg, KTH Opponent: Assoc. Prof. Eero Kontturi, Aalto University, Finland   Treesearch is streaming the presentation on this page. Abstract One of the major challenges of today´s society is to find a sustainable way to create a living based on the resources on earth. It is a challenge that includes

Defence of doctoral thesis: Pernilla Karlsson – Swelling of Cellulose Fibrillar Matrices and Gels Läs mer »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Lilian Medina – High Clay Content Cellulose Nanocomposites for Mechanical Performance and Fire Retardancy

KTH | WWSC Supervisor: Lars Berglund, KTH Opponent: Dr. Jeffrey W. Gilman, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA   Treesearch is streaming the presentation on this page. Abstract Materials based on wood can offer sustainable alternatives to fossil-based plastics and composites, and show interesting mechanical properties. However, the issue of their flammability is generally unresolved.

Defence of doctoral thesis: Lilian Medina – High Clay Content Cellulose Nanocomposites for Mechanical Performance and Fire Retardancy Läs mer »

Första Treesearch-doktoranden disputerar, följ via

Nu på fredag den 7/12 disputerar den första Treesearch-anslutna doktoranden, Anna Ottenhall från KTH. Dipsutationen livesänds via för dig som inte har möjlighet att vara på plats på KTH. Anna har i sitt doktorandprojekt undersökt olika metoder för att på miljövänliga sätt föra cellulosabaserade material antimikrobiella. Till exempel har hon undersökt hur man kan

Första Treesearch-doktoranden disputerar, följ via Läs mer »