Defence of doctoral thesis: Chao Chen – Development of Non-leaching Antibacterial Approaches on Cellulose-based Substrates and Their Mechanisms

KTH Opponent: Dr Stefan Spirk, Graz University of Technology Supervisor: Professor Monica Ek, KTHCo-supervisor: Josefin Illergård, KTH The seminar will be streamed on this page Abstract The layer-by-layer (LbL) technique is becoming a powerful tool that has been applied in many surface coatings and functionalizations in recent years. It has many advantages including a fast […]

Defence of doctoral thesis: Chao Chen – Development of Non-leaching Antibacterial Approaches on Cellulose-based Substrates and Their Mechanisms Läs mer »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Justin Xuan Yang – Eco-friendly Holocellulose Materials for Mechanical Performance and Optical Transmittance

KTH / WWSC Opponent: Associate professor Eero Kontturi, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland Supervisor: Lars Berglund KTH The seminar will be streamed on this page Abstract Cellulosic materials can be sustainable replacements for fossil-based plastics; yet for some applications improvements are needed for mechanical properties, optical transmittance and eco-friendly characteristics. In this thesis, holocellulose materials are

Defence of doctoral thesis: Justin Xuan Yang – Eco-friendly Holocellulose Materials for Mechanical Performance and Optical Transmittance Läs mer »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Andrea Träger – Strategies for Molecular Engineering of Macroscopic Adhesion and Integrity Focusing on Cellulose Based Materials

KTH Opponent: Professor Matthew Tirrell, The University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering Supervisor: Lars Wågberg, KTH, Cosupervisors: Eva Malmström, KTH, Anna Carlmark KTH Welcome to take part of the thesis defense at KTH. Abstract Many aspects of modern human life pose a strain on the delicate ecosystems around us. One example is marine litter

Defence of doctoral thesis: Andrea Träger – Strategies for Molecular Engineering of Macroscopic Adhesion and Integrity Focusing on Cellulose Based Materials Läs mer »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Johan Erlandsson – Controlled assembly and functionalisation of cellulosa-based materials

KTH Opponent: Mikael Lindström, RISE Bioeconomy Supervisor: Lars Wågberg, KTH Co-supervisors: Per Larsson, KTH and Hjalmar Granberg, RISE Bioeconomy Welcome to take part of the thesis defense at KTH or follow the presentation online on this page. Abstract The environmental effects caused by the use of fossil-based resources have intensified and driven society and research towards

Defence of doctoral thesis: Johan Erlandsson – Controlled assembly and functionalisation of cellulosa-based materials Läs mer »

Scientific Session: Professor Matthew Tirrell

Polymers in multi-valent ionic media: New physics and new materials Professor Matthew Tirrell is a pioneering researcher in the fields of biomolecular engineering and nanotechnology, specializing in the manipulation and measurement of the surface properties of polymers, materials that consist of long, flexible chain molecules. His work combines microscopic measurements of intermolecular forces with the

Scientific Session: Professor Matthew Tirrell Läs mer »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Patric Kvist – Diffusion of large molecules in steam-exploded wood

Chalmers Opponent: Lennart Salmén, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Welcome to take part of the dissertation at Chalmers. Abstract The diffusion of large molecules in wood pre-treated with steam explosion is important to understand in the context of the materials biorefinery. Steam explosion is a pretreatment method used to both open up the internal structure

Defence of doctoral thesis: Patric Kvist – Diffusion of large molecules in steam-exploded wood Läs mer »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Jonatan Henschen – Bio-based preparation of nanocellulose and functionalization using polyelectrolytes

KTH Supervisor: Professor Monica Ek,, KTH Opponent: Assoc. Prof. Emily Cranston, University British Columbia, Canada Treesearch is streaming the presentation part on this page  Abstract Nanocellulose is a material which can be extracted from wood, and in recent years it has received great attention for its interesting properties and wide range of possible applications. With the aim

Defence of doctoral thesis: Jonatan Henschen – Bio-based preparation of nanocellulose and functionalization using polyelectrolytes Läs mer »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Saina Kishani – On the Solubility of Wood Hemicelluloses in Water and its Influence on the Adsorption at Cellulose/Water Interfaces

KTH | WWSC Supervisor: Professor Lars Wågberg, KTH Opponent: Dr. Bernard Cathala, French National Institute for Agricultural Research, Frankrike Treesearch is streaming the presentation part on this page Abstract Hemicelluloses are a group of natural polysaccharides and one of the main components of wood. The availability and biodegradability of these polymers have created a great interest

Defence of doctoral thesis: Saina Kishani – On the Solubility of Wood Hemicelluloses in Water and its Influence on the Adsorption at Cellulose/Water Interfaces Läs mer »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Pernilla Karlsson – Swelling of Cellulose Fibrillar Matrices and Gels

KTH | WWSC Supervisor: Professor Lars Wågberg, KTH Opponent: Assoc. Prof. Eero Kontturi, Aalto University, Finland   Treesearch is streaming the presentation on this page. Abstract One of the major challenges of today´s society is to find a sustainable way to create a living based on the resources on earth. It is a challenge that includes

Defence of doctoral thesis: Pernilla Karlsson – Swelling of Cellulose Fibrillar Matrices and Gels Läs mer »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Lilian Medina – High Clay Content Cellulose Nanocomposites for Mechanical Performance and Fire Retardancy

KTH | WWSC Supervisor: Lars Berglund, KTH Opponent: Dr. Jeffrey W. Gilman, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA   Treesearch is streaming the presentation on this page. Abstract Materials based on wood can offer sustainable alternatives to fossil-based plastics and composites, and show interesting mechanical properties. However, the issue of their flammability is generally unresolved.

Defence of doctoral thesis: Lilian Medina – High Clay Content Cellulose Nanocomposites for Mechanical Performance and Fire Retardancy Läs mer »

Första Treesearch-doktoranden disputerar, följ via treesearch.se

Nu på fredag den 7/12 disputerar den första Treesearch-anslutna doktoranden, Anna Ottenhall från KTH. Dipsutationen livesänds via treesearch.se för dig som inte har möjlighet att vara på plats på KTH. Anna har i sitt doktorandprojekt undersökt olika metoder för att på miljövänliga sätt föra cellulosabaserade material antimikrobiella. Till exempel har hon undersökt hur man kan

Första Treesearch-doktoranden disputerar, följ via treesearch.se Läs mer »