Defence of doctoral thesis: Tijana Todorovic – Polysaccharide-based wood adhesives

KTH | WWSC The defense is taking place at room F3, KTH campus and online via Zoom. Opponent: Professor Johannes Konnerth, BOKU, Austria Supervisors: Professor Eva Malmström, KTH Follow the defense on zoom here Abstract: It is highly desirable to increase the use of renewable resources and reduce fossil-dependence due to sustainability concerns. As a consequence, it […]

Defence of doctoral thesis: Qilun Zhang – Materials and interfaces for sustainable organic solar cells

LiU| WWSC The defense is taking place at room K1, Kåkenhus at Campus Norrköping, Norrköping. Opponent: Professor Ronald Österbacka, Åbo Akademi University, Finland Supervisor: Professor Mats Fahlman, LiU Abstract: Photovoltaics, the apparatus utilizing green solar power to generate electricity, is one of the efficient measures to the continuously increasing energy demand and exacerbated carbon emission of […]

Defence of doctoral thesis: Alexandros Alexakis – Nanolatexes: a versatile toolbox for cellulose modification

KTH | WWSC The defense is taking place at room Kollegiesalen, KTH campus and online via Zoom. Opponent: Assistant Prof. Justin Zoppe, Polytechnic University of Catalonia Supervisor: Professor Eva Malmström, KTH Follow the defense on zoom here Abstract: Cellulosic materials are widely used in our everyday lives, ranging from paperand packaging to biomedical applications. However, in most […]

Defence of doctoral thesis: Monika Tõlgo – Discovery and applications of family AA9 lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases

Chalmers | WWSC Chalmers Campus Johanneberg, Hall FB, Fysik Origo, entrance from Fysikgården 4, floor 7 Campus Johanneberg: FB ( via Zoom. Opponent:Professor Maija Tenkanen, University of Helsinki, Finland Supervisor: Professor Lisbeth Olsson, Chalmers Follow the defense on zoom here Password: For the Zoom password, please contact Gunilla Bankel Andersson Link to thesis at […]

Defence of doctoral thesis: Sozan Darabi – Electrically Conducting Cellulose Yarns for Electronic Textiles

Chalmers | WWSC The defense is taking place at 10:an, Kemigården 4, Chalmers and online via Zoom. Opponent: Esma Ismailova, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Étienne Supervisor: Professor Christian Müller, Chalmers Follow the defense on zoom here Abstract: Wearable electronics can be used for the purpose of fitness tracking, health monitoring, energy harvesting, and even for communication. […]

Defence of doctoral thesis: Jonas Garemark – Integrated Cellulosic Wood Aerogel Structures

KTH | WWSC The defense is taking place at room F3 and online via Zoom. Opponent: Dr Gustav Nyström, ETH Zürich  Supervisor: Assistant Professor Yuanyuan Li, KTH, Professor Lars Berglund, KTH Follow the defense on zoom here Abstract Highly porous aerogels based on renewable materials that possess structural functionality are appealing for sustainable energy regulation and harvesting. Achieving […]

Defence of doctoral thesis: Hanieh Mianehrow – Two-dimensional Nanocomposites Based on Cellulose Nanofibrils and Graphene Oxide

KTH | WWSC The defense is taking place at room F3, KTH and online via Zoom. Opponent: Aji Mathew, Stockholms universitet Supervisor:Professor Lars Berglund, KTH Follow the defense on zoom here  Abstract: Two-dimensional (2D) nanocomposites based on cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) and 2D nanomaterials are of interest as sustainable materials combining functional and structural properties. To achieve reinforcement […]