Online conference: Treesearch Industrial Postdoc Program
May 7 2020
10.00 – 14.30, online
Welcome to the first presentation of the Treesearch Industrial Postdoc Program on May 7! In this online conference you will hear industry and academy together present research projects from the recently initiated Treesearch Industrial Postdoc program, taking industrial challenges to research activities at the universities.
The Swedish industry using the forest as raw material for material production is standing in front of a massive challenge: How can we find ways to use the forest in new materials to help Sweden become a biobased economy? The answer is clear – by research! In this online conference we will bring out examples of industrial challenges that is being solved and developed in collaboration with the researchers from academies in the Treesearch Industrial Postdoc program.
This conference is arranged as an online conference due to covid-19. You can join the full day or part of the day by registering to the webinar, where you also can interact during the conference, or watch afterwards on Treesearch’s YouTube channel without registering.
Update 200506: For following the conference live, please register for the the webinar as we currently are currently experience technical problems with the live-streaming at YouTube.
The conference program
Klick on the +signs to see the program for each block or download a pdf-version here >>
10.00 | Treesearch Industrial Postdoc Program Information about Treesearch postdoctoral program and introduction to the theme | Jenny Joensuu, Treesearch Daniel Söderberg, Treesearch |
10.10 | Macro-and microscopic deformability of fiber networks made from softwood fibres | Gustav Lindberg, KTH Johan Lindgren, Holmen |
10.25 | Multifunctional fibres for different end-use applications | Göksu Cinar Ciftcier, KTH Kent Malmgren, SCA |
10.40 | Methodologies providing new insights into the fundamentals of the pulping process | Kornelia Gordeyeva Harald Brelid, Södra |
10.55 | Questions | All |
11.10 | Treesearch Postdoc Program Information about Treesearch postdoctoral program and intro to the theme | Jenny Joensuu, Treesearch |
11.15 | Understanding the Interactions within Fibre Composites | Michael Reid, KTH Emma Östmark, Stora Enso |
11.30 | Processability of modified fibres for complex shaped parts Unravelling structure-property relationships of cellulose-polymer nanocomposites: Molecular Dynamics simulations Scale-up of sustainable production of dialdehyde cellulose and dialcohol cellulose (joint presentation) | Jan Wahlberg , Tetra Pak Emile Engel, KTH Aleksandar Mehandzhiyski, LiU Niklas Kvarnlöf, BillerudKorsnäs Nazmun Sultana, Chalmers |
12.00 | Questions | All |
13.15 | Treesearch Industrial Postdoc Program Welcome and introduction to the theme | Jenny Joensuu, Treesearch |
13.30 | Paper-based aluminium ion batteries | Shahrzad Arshadi Rastabi, Mittuniversitetet Martin Häggblom, Neste |
13.45 | Sustainable Carbon Monoliths for Energy Storage | Glaydson Simões Dos Reis, SLU Jörg Brücher, Holmen |
14.00 | Questions Summary of the day and program | All Jenny Joensuu, Treesearch |
After the conference you can take part of a Digital Cellulose Center seminar online, starting at 15.00.
Treesearch Industrial Postdoc Program
The Industrial Postdoc program is an initiative where the industrial partners in Treesearch identified research questions to be explored in postdoctoral projects. The program started in 2019 and consists of 13 postdoc projects at the universities in Treesearch.
During this conference you get a chance to listen to 8 of the projects, presented by the postdoc and industrial supervisors.
Register to get an invitation to the online conference. After the registration you get a confirmation mail directly to your inbox with instructions how to connect on May 7.
By joining the conference via the link you get a chance to ask questions via the Q&A function.
Q&A – interact!
You can interact and ask questions or comment to the presenters, Treesearch – and the audience – during the conference using the Q&A function.
Each presenter block/theme has time for questions after the presentation, where you can ask questions to one or several of the participants.
If you have questions you want to send in in advance you can send in the questions via mail to
For questions regarding the conference and content please contact Jenny Joensuu, Deputy Director, Collaboration at
For questions regarding your registration contact the registrar at