The course is a post-gradual course. The objective is to increase the understanding of the interplay between economic and technology factors, and between different industrial sectors, in the forest-based value chains and biorefinery production. The course combines economic and management theory lectures with presentations of industrial cases by industry representatives.
Driving forces behind the bioeconomy concept and biorefineries
The economics of biorefinery industry
Economic aspects of forest industry/biorefinery investment and operations
Strategic considerations in the forest industry
Innovation and the biorefinery
Marketing and customer behaviour
Om Treesearch
Treesearch har som syfte att skapa en nationell plattform för att stödja forskning. Forskningsprojekt som bedrivs inom Treesearch forskningsområden och de forskare som är aktiva i dessa projekt är välkomna att ansluta till plattformen.
Teknikringen 38a
100 44 Stockholm