The general purpose of the course is for the participants to acquire a systems oriented perspective of the use and handling of package materials, including the materials choice, design, processing, service life and recycling. Having completed the course, the participant should …
* Demonstrate knowledge of in which context packages are used and which functions they perform in these uses, whit emphasis on food packaging.
* Demonstrate knowledge about the materials, in particular, and their properties that are of importance to the packaging performance with emphasize on the service life.
* Demonstrate knowledge of the production processes used to produce packages and filling of packages.
* Demonstrate knowledge about processes used to handle packages for materials or energy recycling and life cycle consideration, including legal, economical, materials and energy, used to assess the fate of packages.
* Be able to describe driving forces and systems perspective for packaging development, with emphasis on food packaging.
* Be able to independently identify critical and decisive materials, productions and recycling issues for packaging solutions performance and to suggest solutions, with emphasis on food packaging.