BioComposites – personalized products and services (PPS)
Projekttitel Biokompositer för personifierade produkter och tjänster BioComposites for personalized products and services (PPS) Projektbudget: Totalt: 11.835 ksek, sökt budget: 5.679 ksek Projektlängd: 2017-09-01 – 2020-08-31 Aktörer inom projektet: RISE Bioeconomy (Innventia), skog företag, Perstorp AB, Addema AB, Fillauer Europe, Ortopedteknik Region Örebro, H&M, Holmen AB, LL Bolagen Visionen för detta projekt är att göra det möjligt […]
Turning the cold NaOH(aq) into a powerful processing system for cellulose by utilizing its abundance of CO2 – a step towards sustainable textile processes
Today, there is an urge to meet the increased textile consumption by wood- and recycled cellulose textiles, based on new sustainable dissolution concepts for cellulose. Still, there are only few solvents capable of dissolving the intricate cellulose structure while being environmentally friendly and industrially viable. One of them, experiencing a renewed interest is undoubtedly cold […]
0-3D Production of power papers
In 0-3D, we explore process protocols and manufacturing techniques for products based on electro-functionalized cellulose and cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) at large scale and volumes – Production of Power Papers. Bulky cellulose and CNF structures are excellent as the 3D scaffold for electro-active nanoparticles (0D), nano-fibers (1D) and coaxial coatings (2D) in order to scale-up high-performing […]
Melt and film properties of modified Arabinoxylans
In this project, “Melt and film properties of modified arabinoxylans” will be explored. We have in a previous project developed a route (via chemical modification) to obtain meltable arabinoxylans. In this Project we will examine the rheological properties of the melt and correlate these to the physico-chemical structure of the modified AX. In parallell we […]
Investigation of membrane fouling during microfiltration of wood components
Development of efficient separation processes are crucial for the realisation of the biorefinery concept, which is important to enable the substitution of fossil raw materials for production of materials and chemicals. Membrane filtration as a pressure driven operation has the potential of being a very energy efficient separation method in this application. However one of […]
ForMAX förstudie
Projektet syftar dels till att utveckla experimentella miljöer för att studera skogsrelaterade processer och material vid MAX IV, dels till att demonstrera användningen av synkrotronljus och neutroner för forskning med stor industrirelevans samt slutligen till att utveckla strålröret ForMAX strukturbidrag och prestanda.
Wallenberg Wood Science Center

Wallenberg Wood Science Center is a research center with a focus on new materials from trees. The center creates knowledge and builds competence that has the potential to form the basis for an innovative and sustainable future value creation from forest raw materials. WWSC is a joint research center between KTH Royal Institute of Technology, […]
Structure and Properties of Hemicelluloses
Hemicelluloses represent one of the largest natural resources on Earth. They occur together with cellulose in plant cell walls and the exact structure varies between different types of plants. However, generally they are heteropolysaccharides that are branched and often also acetylated and methylated. The biological background for the structural heterogeneity of hemicellulose is unclear. Hemicelluloses […]
Ultrafiltration of Lignin – Valorization
The research is focused on fractionated kraft lignins and the potential use in different applications. Lignin as a second abundant biopolymer, is being produced in a large scale annually without any high value applications. It has a great structure, including aliphatic and aromatic groups with lots of active hydroxyl groups. One of the main obstacle […]
Green wood adhesives based on side-streams from the pulp industry
In this project we propose to explore the use of side-streams originating from the pulp industry as adhesive binders for wood-based materials. The proposed project, aiming at developing novel, formaldehyde-free, adhesives from renewable resources, brings together experts in polymer/adhesive/wood chemistry with experts on forest/wood products and has the ability to gain novel, fundamental knowledge while […]