Uncovering the synergistic effects between cellulose and lignin for advanced forest-based carbon fibers
Carbon fibers made completely from biobased material with a low climate impact is an area of research that have seen significant breakthroughs during the last years. Forest-based carbon fibers from certified forests have a high value and potential to stimulate new value chains in the area of light-weight composites, making it possible to use carbon […]
Quantifying fire-retardant concentrations in fire-retardant treated wood
This project focuses on one of the most basic questions within the topic of fire retarded (FR) treated wood; “how we can actually measure the concentration of FR in wood specimens”, this seems like a trivial question, but is actually a significant issue, barrier to further research studies, and more wide spread usage of wood […]
Physical Structure and Interactions between Lignin and its Surroundings
The aim of the project is to gain a deeper fundamental understanding of how the classical structural factors and unique morphology of lignin affects the interaction between lignin and lignin-based materials and its surroundings. The affect of chemical structure and morphology on the material performance of lignin-based materials will be investigated along with the behavior […]
Water based wood treatment
For a more sustainable production of wood aerogel, treatment with the water based solvent, NaOH, can give the wood template a porous structure in sub-zero conditions. However, it is found that the porosity of the wood templates treated with NaOH (aq) can be affected at room temperature conditions as well. Towards a greener aerogel production, […]
Digital Cellulose Center

Centrumet har en tvärvetenskaplig kompetens och infrastruktur för industridriven, excellent forskning inom området digital cellulosa. Genom strategisk kompetens och samarbetsstrukturer ska centrumet göra cellulosabaserade produkter till en integrerad del av ett hållbart, digitalt samhälle och bidra till en ökad tillväxt hos den deltagande industrin. Forskningen inom Digital Cellulose Center fokuserar på området digital cellulosa, där […]
Cellulosed based foams for water purification
We have designed foams which are built only from green components and can be prepared in up-scalable and easy manner: blending and oven-drying. Amyloid nanofibrils are used mainly as a foaming agent and cellulose nanofibrils are playing the role of the main visco-elastic stabilizer. We also use covalent cross-linking to enhance foam resistance towards capillary […]
EXACT – Excellence in Advancing for a Circular Transition

The research school ‘EXACT- Excellence in Advancing for a Circular Transition’ combines bioeconomy with smart digitalization, in a collaboration between the two research groups Pro2BE and DAMI4.0 at Karlstad University. The Ph.D. students will develop energy-efficient digitalized production processes or products and high-quality bio-based materials. The aim of this research school is to contribute to […]
Structure-properties relationship of covalently crosslinked cellulose networks
In this work, the structure-property relationship of covalently crosslinked cellulose networks is studied by utilizing surface modified cellulose nanofibrils and polymer links of defined structure and molecular weight. The effect of molecular weight, chemical functionality and concentration on specific surface area, swelling, and mechanical properties of the hydrogel networks will be investigated.
BIOdegradable vegan networks from REcycled agro-food waste as sustainable single-use abSORBents (BioRESorb)
The objective is to develop biodegradable absorbents containing nonwoven fiber networks from agro-food biomass waste. The material's structure-absorption relationship will be investigated and designed to make a fully bio-based absorbent core encapsulated in a natural nonwoven fabric. The raw materials will also be combined with other natural polymers to provide additional functionality (antimicrobial or binding […]
Atomistic understanding of biomass interaction with hydrotreating catalysts
The development of catalysts to upgrade renewable feedstocks is vital for a sustainable future. Alternative feedstocks typically differ in chemical composition compared to fossil-based feedstocks and to further develop catalytic materials that enable efficient and environmentally friendly chemical processes, it is necessary to understand the functional mechanisms of these materials in detail.The high oxygen content […]
Bio-sourced, oven-dried and wet-stable foams based on cellulose and amyloid nanofibrils
In the recent decades, foams have been extensively used for different applications such as: packaging, thermal and acoustic insulation, energy storage, and water purification. However, fabrication of foams from renewable resources through green methods with scale-up potential is challenging. In this context, cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) as the most abundant bio-derived nanofibrils with outstanding physical properties […]
Structure-property relationships in lignin-based porous carbon materials for water purification
Good water quality is essential to human health, social and economic development, as well as the ecosystem. Industrialization and urbanization, together with the explosive population growth, have caused a great challenge for maintaining safe and clean water resources. Among many strategic and research activities for water protection, a direct approach is to develop biobased porous […]