Fundamentals of nanoscale assembly of cellulose nanofiber

I am interested in fundamentals of cellulose nanofibers (CNF) and cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) in dilute, semi-dilute, and crowded environment. Specifically, for CNFs, semi-flexibility of fibers and its effect on nano-scale dynamics is a key aspect of my project. At the moment, combining simulations with experiments (X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy) is the strategy to proceed the […]

Hybrid Glycoproteins from Wheat Bran as Platform Materials

Vetekli är det yttre skiktet som omger kornens frövita och utgör den huvudsakliga biprodukten från vetemalningsprocessen och står för cirka 300 000 ton per år i Sverige. Vetekli används för närvarande nästan uteslutande industriellt som djurfoder på grund av lågt organoleptiskt värde och näringsvärde för mänsklig konsumtion. Vetekli innehåller emellertid en stor andel värdefulla biomolekyler […]

Structural Modification Softwood Pulp Cell Wall Under Extreme Pressure Conditions 

The ability to modify the structure of the wood-pulp fibre cell wall structure is an attractive means to obtain increased accessibility to the fibre interior and enable functionalization such as controlled drug delivery, interpenetrated networks, and selective removal of metal ions from aqueous mixtures just to mention a few examples. By changing the physical state […]

Mechanical behavior of all-lignocellulose composites 

In this study, we investigated property differences and failure mechanisms of hot-pressed, binder-free wood fiber composites. Random-in-plane microfibrillated lignocellulose (MFLC) composites showed better mechanical properties than microscale wood fibers WF due to stronger strain-hardening from lower porosity and better interfibrillar adhesion, provided by the intrinsic lignin-hemicellulose binder. Axially oriented wood fiber composites (O-WF) reached comparable […]

Preparation and use of lignocellulose nanomaterials in energy storage devices

Cellulose nanomaterials (CNs) obtained from fully-bleached (lignin-free) chemical fibers, such as cellulose nanoparticles (CNPs), cellulose nanofibers (CNFs), microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) have been a topic of extensive research during last decades since they constitute a biodegradable, renewable and naturally abundant resource with an important scientific and technological potential. However, the bleaching process is an energy-intensive process […]

Efficient Washing of Paper grade pulp in the kraft process

The project contributes to strengthened Swedish competitiveness through its expected research results and new fundamental knowledge for the development of an efficient pulp washing process and thus through an increased pace of innovation in the transition to a circular economy. After pulping the wood chips, the resulting pulp fibres and cooking liquor are separated in a […]

WWSC2.0 Lignin Materials

We investigate how lignin-derived carbon materials can be tailored for use in electronic applications, primarily as electrodes in electrochemical capacitors.

Modeling, processing and optimization of highly-filled polymer wood fiber composites 

Biocomposites are a critical ingredient in the context of overarching societal efforts to increase the use of renewable materials. Therefore, the use of polymer with natural fiber reinforcements is expected to increase significantly. A current drive for polymer biocomposites is to maximize the use of renewable content in mass production systems. However, the full potential […]


KTH is taking part in the EU funded Horizon 2020 project SISTERS. SISTERS aims to reduce food loss and food waste in the main different stages of the Food Value Chain in Europe through innovations targeted to each link of the value chain: new tools to primary producers for promoting direct and Short Chain sales […]

Structure, Dynamics and Interactions of Nanofibres in Dilute Hydrodynamically Forced Systems

The ever increasing threat from climate change has spurred the demand for innovative, sustainable materials that could reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Dispersions of cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs), derived from wood, can be spun into filaments that exhibit favourable mechanical properties. However, the structure, dynamics and interactions of the CNFs during the spinning process, which […]