Structure-properties relationship of covalently crosslinked cellulose networks
In this work, the structure-property relationship of covalently crosslinked cellulose networks is studied by utilizing surface modified cellulose nanofibrils and polymer links of defined structure and molecular weight. The effect of molecular weight, chemical functionality and concentration on specific surface area, swelling, and mechanical properties of the hydrogel networks will be investigated.
Nanolatexes for cellulose modification
Latex nanoparticles can be prepared via RAFT-mediated polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA) in water. They are tailor-made and highly versatile nanoparticles that can be used for modification of cellulosic fibers due to their high affinity. Part of WWSC.
Cuticle-inspired barriers for lignocellulose materials
We have created moisture-barrier films using the second most abundant C16 hydroxy fatty acid (Fig. 1)1. These are semicrystalline materials with different degrees of toughness. The material shows a high “apparent” hydrophobicity, as revealed by contact angle measurements (110-130°, much higher than for PLA). The reason is due to the rough surface that we create […]
Sustainable biocomposites
My research is about molded wood fibers, nanocellulose films, and polymer matrix biocomposites for desired properties, particularly mechanical performance within a sustainable development framework.Understanding the process, structure, and properties of hot-pressed biocomposites is the primary research question.
Structural Modification Softwood Pulp Cell Wall Under Extreme Pressure Conditions
The ability to modify the structure of the wood-pulp fibre cell wall structure is an attractive means to obtain increased accessibility to the fibre interior and enable functionalization such as controlled drug delivery, interpenetrated networks, and selective removal of metal ions from aqueous mixtures just to mention a few examples. By changing the physical state […]
Mechanical behavior of all-lignocellulose composites
In this study, we investigated property differences and failure mechanisms of hot-pressed, binder-free wood fiber composites. Random-in-plane microfibrillated lignocellulose (MFLC) composites showed better mechanical properties than microscale wood fibers WF due to stronger strain-hardening from lower porosity and better interfibrillar adhesion, provided by the intrinsic lignin-hemicellulose binder. Axially oriented wood fiber composites (O-WF) reached comparable […]
WWSC2.0 Lignin Materials
We investigate how lignin-derived carbon materials can be tailored for use in electronic applications, primarily as electrodes in electrochemical capacitors.
Mechanical aspects of bio based composites
The work consists of understanding the mechanical aspects of novel bio-based composites by exploring microstructures, weak interfaces, anisotropy, and lamella thickness. My current projects are (i) in situ mechanical tests with Deben microtester and scanning electron microscopes on a thin layer of montmorillonite clay on hydroxyethylcellulose films to investigate interfacial (adhesion) properties between the constituents, […]
Colloidal properties of nanocellulose dispersions
The project aim is to control the stability and orientation of nanocellulose particles, by understanding the fundamental colloidal interactions between them in aqueous media. The information will then be used to create ordered and self-organized structures from nanocellulose dispersions. This knowledge is of great importance, since many nanocellulose based materials today are produced directly from […]
Ex situ and in situ advanced electron microscopy of enzymatic action for biomass tailoring and transport paths in conducting fibres and yarns
The structure of wood is complex with many components. As new cellulose-based materials and devices are to be developed and optimized it is crucial to understand the material microstructure of wood and also the properties of its individual microstructural constituents. Electron microscopy offers a unique capability for site specific imaging, diffraction and spectroscopy with high […]
Polysaccharide Monooxygenases (LPMOs) for Advanced Nanocellulose Materials
LPMOs (lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases) are oxidative enzymes that enhance cellulose fibrillation by introducing charged carboxyl groups onto the cellulose surfaces in aqueous reaction conditions. The use of LPMOs in production of nanocelluloses could reduce the need of hazardous chemicals and facilitate more environmentally friendly processes. The aim of this subproject is to produce recombinant LPMOs […]
Bio-based binders for molded cellulose fibers
Natural binders are inexpensive, biodegradable, environmentally friendly and renewable, but usually form weaker bonds and slightly harder to apply. The objective of the project is to develop and optimize the process of using various plant polysaccharides as binder for holocellulose fibers and cellulose nanofibrils (CNF). The selected polysaccharides are further functionalized to improve interfacial adhesion […]