Low density and wet stable networks of cellulose nanofibrils with a tailored 3D shape for advanced applications

The project has the following purpose and aims: (a) Novel wet-stable, low density networks of cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) with a tailored 3D structure; (b) Tailored structures through controlled freeze-linking of the CNF followed by a formation of interpenetrated polymeric networks inside the cellulose network for controlled liquid spreading and liquid holding capacity; (c) Tailored 3D […]

Surface characterization of polymeric composites and their interaction with biological tissue

This project is dedicated to understanding the properties of polymeric networks and composites thereof. Cellulose nanofibres and other fillers are included in polymeric matrices to enhance specific properties such as adhesive, mechanical or biological. The final goal is to generate next generation tissue adhesives in which bio-based materials are used to a larger extend. The […]

Hyper Inertia Micro-Fluidization (HIMF)

Hyper Inertia Micro-Fluidization is a fibre fibrillation process design platform that shifts process understanding into the focus for process design. The goal of HIMF is to capture leading mechanism in fibre fibrillation and destruction by in-situ observation and characterization of treated fibres. An essential element of HIMF is the modular design that allows for a […]

New functional materials based on polysaccharides

The project is on preparing novel types of polysaccharide based materials with new functionalities. The focus is on  building materials with unique structures, understanding the on structure-property relationship, and then modifying the structures in a controlled way so that the materials can be utilized in a specific application. 

Macro- and microscopic deformability of fiber networks made from softwood fibres

Holmen is a major Swedish producer of paper and board products. Most of these products are based on softwood fibres. During converting of the products, they are plastically deformed in folding, creasing or embossing operations. This deformation occurs both in a macro and microscale. It is therefore important to understand the influence of the raw […]

Cavitation Fibrillation of Cellulose Fibres (CaFiCeFi)

The project is of explorative nature and aims on mapping the destructive nature of cavitation on cellulose fibres. Neither cavitation nor the dispersion of cellulose fibres in its constituents (cellulose fibrils for dissolving pulp fibres) is fully understood. The project objective is to guide whether cavitation is a mean for efficient and dedicated fibrillation at […]

Flow assisted assembly of biocomposite filaments based on Cellulose Nanofibrills (CNF)

The fundamental facet of this project is to design and fabricate functional composite filaments based on CNF and polymers. The aim is to prepare filaments  with superior mechanical properties and/or advanced functions. In this project, we are going to control the interaction between individual CNFs during flow assisted assembly using different heterofunctional polymers. The project is […]

Modifiering av Kraft lignin for Material Syntes

Sverige har som målsättning att bli en totalt biobaserad ekonomi från år 2050. Skogsindustrin, som är en nyckelaktör för ekonomisk utveckling i Sverige, kan här spela en central roll. Vid produktion av kemisk massa frigörs en polyfenolisk förening som kallas lignin. Den globala årliga produktionen av lignin från den dominerande processen för att producera massa […]

Transparenta, cellulosabaserade förpackningsmaterial med goda barriäregenskaper

I mark och hav ansamlas på grund av mänsklig aktivitet stora mängder plaster, ofta från påsaroch förpackningar. I värsta fall tar det flera hundra år för naturen att bryta ner dessa plaster.För att åtgärda denna miljöförstöring räcker det alltså inte bara att vi blir bättre på att återvinnaoch slänga vårt plastskräp på rätt sätt, utan […]

Nanocellulose based filaments for advanced applications. In situ SAXS studies of wood delignification.

To develop and characterize filaments for advanced applications, i.e. green smart textiles or conductive fibers. Use a flow-focusing setup and cellulose nanofibers as a main material for preparation of filaments with high mechanical performance. To understand  the fundamentals behind alignment and particle organization. To study impact of hydrolysis and delignification of wood chips on their structure […]

KAW Biocomposites

Technical objective The project is focused on materials design of biocomposites which are semi-structural, recyclable and/or biodegradable. The term “semi-structural” needs to be defined. If 30wt% glass fiber/polypropylene is selected as the reference material for substitution, it would mean that the modulus should be > 6 GPa and the tensile strength > 85 MPa. In […]