Nanolatexes for cellulose modification

Latex nanoparticles can be prepared via RAFT-mediated polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA) in water. They are tailor-made and highly versatile nanoparticles that can be used for modification of cellulosic fibers due to their high affinity. Part of WWSC.

Cuticle-inspired barriers for lignocellulose materials

We have created moisture-barrier films using the second most abundant C16 hydroxy fatty acid (Fig. 1)1. These are semicrystalline materials with different degrees of toughness. The material shows a high “apparent” hydrophobicity, as revealed by contact angle measurements (110-130°, much higher than for PLA). The reason is due to the rough surface that we create […]

Sustainable High Performance Polymers from Functional Building-Blocks Created in Water

The projects aim to develop new materials based on renewable resources. The synthetic strategy involved is highly modular. This modularity enables a plethora of monomeric building blocks in one step. The final materials originate from abundant, cheap, and renewable reactants, meaning that the developed material would apply to all applications, ranging from advanced biomedical applications […]

Sustainable biocomposites

My research is about molded wood fibers, nanocellulose films, and polymer matrix biocomposites for desired properties, particularly mechanical performance within a sustainable development framework.Understanding the process, structure, and properties of hot-pressed biocomposites is the primary research question.

Barrier and physicochemical properties of structured cellulose materials

Structured cellulose materials can form quite dense structures, which then yields high gas barrier properties. This has been shown for e.g. cellulose nanofibrillar films. The reason is most probably that these fibrils arranges them self side-by-side locally to the extent that it is often difficult to distinguish individual fibrils in the solidified films.  In this project […]

Microscopic computed tomography aided finite element modelling of wood

Laboratory X-ray tube-based microscopic computed tomography (XµCT) aided finite element (FE) modelling considers XµCT data to characterize key engineering properties needed for modelling of material behavior. The method includes steps such as XµCT scanning, segmentation, meshing, and fiber reconstruction and can be supported by techniques such as digital image correlation and digital volume correlation. At […]

Catalytic functionalization of lignin

In this project we functionalize lignin using catalysts to form functional materials suitable for crosslinking to thermosets and/or composite materials.

Magnetic nanopaper

This project is focused on production and development of magnetic nanopaper with ferrimagnetic properties. Cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) are used as a stiff and strong matrix of natural origin, while ferrimagnatic nanoparticles of SrFe12O19 are added to bring in the functionality. Nanopaper is prepared by spray coating technique which is simple to handle and to upscale. […]

3D nanotomography of wood fibres

Typically imaging of wood cells by 3D nanotomography is performed with the help of TEM or cryo TEM. To get a proper transmission signal, samples should be cut down to 100 nm thickness or even less. In this project we want to avoid extreme sectioning of wood pieces where observation area includes only a part […]

Fundamentals of nanoscale assembly of cellulose nanofiber

I am interested in fundamentals of cellulose nanofibers (CNF) and cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) in dilute, semi-dilute, and crowded environment. Specifically, for CNFs, semi-flexibility of fibers and its effect on nano-scale dynamics is a key aspect of my project. At the moment, combining simulations with experiments (X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy) is the strategy to proceed the […]

Hybrid Glycoproteins from Wheat Bran as Platform Materials

Vetekli är det yttre skiktet som omger kornens frövita och utgör den huvudsakliga biprodukten från vetemalningsprocessen och står för cirka 300 000 ton per år i Sverige. Vetekli används för närvarande nästan uteslutande industriellt som djurfoder på grund av lågt organoleptiskt värde och näringsvärde för mänsklig konsumtion. Vetekli innehåller emellertid en stor andel värdefulla biomolekyler […]