Structural Modification Softwood Pulp Cell Wall Under Extreme Pressure Conditions 

The ability to modify the structure of the wood-pulp fibre cell wall structure is an attractive means to obtain increased accessibility to the fibre interior and enable functionalization such as controlled drug delivery, interpenetrated networks, and selective removal of metal ions from aqueous mixtures just to mention a few examples. By changing the physical state […]

Mechanical behavior of all-lignocellulose composites 

In this study, we investigated property differences and failure mechanisms of hot-pressed, binder-free wood fiber composites. Random-in-plane microfibrillated lignocellulose (MFLC) composites showed better mechanical properties than microscale wood fibers WF due to stronger strain-hardening from lower porosity and better interfibrillar adhesion, provided by the intrinsic lignin-hemicellulose binder. Axially oriented wood fiber composites (O-WF) reached comparable […]

WWSC2.0 Lignin Materials

We investigate how lignin-derived carbon materials can be tailored for use in electronic applications, primarily as electrodes in electrochemical capacitors.

Structure, Dynamics and Interactions of Nanofibres in Dilute Hydrodynamically Forced Systems

The ever increasing threat from climate change has spurred the demand for innovative, sustainable materials that could reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Dispersions of cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs), derived from wood, can be spun into filaments that exhibit favourable mechanical properties. However, the structure, dynamics and interactions of the CNFs during the spinning process, which […]

Mechanical aspects of bio based composites

The work consists of understanding the mechanical aspects of novel bio-based composites by exploring microstructures, weak interfaces, anisotropy, and lamella thickness. My current projects are (i) in situ mechanical tests with Deben microtester and scanning electron microscopes on a thin layer of montmorillonite clay on hydroxyethylcellulose films to investigate interfacial (adhesion) properties between the constituents, […]

Deformation and fracture mechanisms of wood and wood polymer biocomposites

The main objective of this project is to study the deformation and fracture mechanisms of wood and polymer impregnated wood biocomposites, characterize the mechanical properties and relate them to structural differences. In this project, strain and deformation fields are measured, during mechanical loading, using digital image correlation which is useful for material comparison, also to […]

Upscaling of natural plastic alternatives: towards a sustainable industry

The extensive use of fossil-based plastic around the world is accelerating climate change. The global life cycle GHG emissions of fossil-based plastics were 1.7 Gt of CO2 equivalent in 2015 and would reach 6.5 Gt CO2 equivalent by 2050 if the current plastic demand trend were to continue. However, legislations and consumers are pushing the […]

Colloidal properties of nanocellulose dispersions

The project aim is to control the stability and orientation of nanocellulose particles, by understanding the fundamental colloidal interactions between them in aqueous media. The information will then be used to create ordered and self-organized structures from nanocellulose dispersions. This knowledge is of great importance, since many nanocellulose based materials today are produced directly from […]

Circular cellulose to textile fiber production

The overall aim is to enable an upscaled process for textile fiber production based on alternative cellulose rich feedstocks together with TreeToTextile’s process, which is resource and energy-efficient without use of toxic chemicals. The proposed project focuses on the knowledge development for utilization of cellulose from residual streams, such as agricultural waste streams, recycled cartonboard/paper, […]

FibreFuse – Biobaserade kolfiber: Hur undviks att biobaserade kolfibrer fastnar i varandra under tillverkningen?

Att använda kolfibrer som armering i kompositer ger ett lättviktsmaterial som kan ersätta stål, aluminium eller glasfiber i många konstruktioner, t.ex. i fordonsindustrin eller till turbinbladen i vindkraftverk. Dessvärre är dagens kommersiella kolfibrer för dyra för många tillämpningar och även tillverkade av fossilbaserade polymerer. Lignin har länge ansetts vara en speciellt attraktiv kandidat som råmaterial […]

Conducting polymers-modified wood composites

In this project, we used different conducting polymers to impregnate the wood. Our goal is to create a pathway for studying the nano/microscopic structure of the conductive wood and the interactions between the wood components and the conducting polymer matrix. . In detail, we mainly focus on the difference of crystallinity and the orientation of […]