Xylem development and wood formation
The project focuses on lignification and cell death of xylem elements and how these processes influence the chemical and physical properties of the secondary cell walls and woody tissues of vascular plants. We use two model systems. The roots and hypocotyls of Arabidopsis thaliana provide excellent models for understanding the molecular and genetic control of […]
NeoPulp – New perspective to the development of pulp fibre properties
Heterogeneity is one of the fundamental scientific and technological challenges of all bio-based materials. The research area of NeoPulp is pulping and papermaking processes. We plan to study the heterogeneity between fibres that affects both process performance and the properties of current and new fibre-based materials. This is a largely unexplored research area where the […]
Cellulose-based triboelectric filters for airborne particles (Tribofilter)
The project aims to design and investigate a novel cellulose-based filter material with high particle retention and low-pressure drop based on triboelectric effect. The developed material is thought to act as a self-charging electrofilter that retains polluting particles harmful to humans.Air pollution caused by particulate matters (PMs) has raised serious concerns due to their threats […]
Molecularly designed cellulose materials for triboelectric applications
Cellulose films possesses favorable triboelectric properties otherwise only found in synthetic, oil-based polymer materials. This can open up entirely new possibilities within the area of internet-of-things (IoT), which is expected to grow significantly in the coming decades. Cheap and sustainable sensor devices based on renewable, self-electrified systems without the need of batteries, self-powered by insignificant […]
Physical properties characterization of cellulose biocomposites
Advanced cellulose-based biocomposites are bio-degenerable mateirals for a sustainable material. These materials generally have complicated and highly heterogeneous optical and mechanical properties. The developments and applications of such materials demand a thorough investigation of their physical properties and their structure-property relationship. This project aims to characterize the optical and mechanical properties using experiments and simulation.
Electroactive Cellulose Composites Towards Future Green Devices
In the last few decades, significant interest has arisen in the use of cellulose in conjunction with electrically conductive materials for a wide range of applications, from energy storage and actuators to sensors. The primary driving force for selecting cellulosic materials stems from their intrinsic and extrinsic properties, such as high flexibility, processability, chemical stability, […]
Synchrotron Methods for Biomaterial Processes
Investigation into the small scale interaction of cellulosic nanofibrils with geling agents through diffusion in flow layers, and the study of the subsequent effect on macro scale flow behavior of fibre spinning. Methods primarily intended to be those utilized at synchrotron facilities, like USAX, WAXS, and more novel techniques like XMPI.
Nanostructured composites from latex nanoparticles
Latex nanoparticles with controllable physico-chemical properties, such as size, rigidity and surface functionality, have shown great promise in modifying and tailoring macroscopic properties of cellulosic nanomaterials. For instance, it has been found that cationic nanoparticles can stiffen or plasticize cellulose nanopapers depending on additive amount. The impact of nanoparticle shell functionality will be further investigated […]
Återanvändning av matavfall för att konstruera svampmembran och filter för vatten- och luftrening
Filter och membran är halvgenomsläppliga barriärer, som ofta produceras från fossilbaserade polymerer och används för luft- och vattenrening. Membranfiltreringsanläggningar drabbas av omfattande membranbeläggningar, vilket kräver frekvent membranbyte. Detta medför en stor mängd plastavfall. Å andra sidan, har coronapandemin lett till en dramatisk ökning engångsmasker och flera miljarder masker slängs varje dag. Miljövänliga alternativ krävs för […]
Mass transport in wood components from processed woods(III-3)
Purpose of the project is to study mass transport of ionic liquids into wood pieces and fibers and consequent lignin and hemicellulose transport out from the pieces. Therefore, characterisation techniques to investigate the location of ionic liquids and lignin in the fiber structure are needed to be developed. Examples of such techniques are X-ray imaging, […]
A multiscale modelling approach aided by X-ray techniques to deepen the understanding of the effect of climate change on the hygromechanical behaviour of wood
Climate change has shown to alter the mechanical properties of wood. This suggest an alteration of the hygromechanical behaviour, behaviour that by itself is not fully elucidated yet. The deeper understanding of the hygromechanics of wood is important in the correct prediction and interpretation of drying and long-term behaviour of this material. In this light, […]
Fungal degradation of wood under precisely controlled internal and external moisture conditions
Fungal degradation of wood under precisely controlled internal and external moisture conditions