
Atomistic understanding of biomass interaction with hydrotreating catalysts 

The development of catalysts to upgrade renewable feedstocks is vital for a sustainable future. Alternative feedstocks typically differ in chemical composition compared to fossil-based feedstocks and to further develop catalytic materials that enable efficient and environmentally friendly chemical processes, it is necessary to understand the functional mechanisms of these materials in detail.The high oxygen content […]

Atomistic understanding of biomass interaction with hydrotreating catalysts  Läs mer »

Efficient Washing of Paper grade pulp in the kraft process

The project contributes to strengthened Swedish competitiveness through its expected research results and new fundamental knowledge for the development of an efficient pulp washing process and thus through an increased pace of innovation in the transition to a circular economy. After pulping the wood chips, the resulting pulp fibres and cooking liquor are separated in a

Efficient Washing of Paper grade pulp in the kraft process Läs mer »


KTH is taking part in the EU funded Horizon 2020 project SISTERS. SISTERS aims to reduce food loss and food waste in the main different stages of the Food Value Chain in Europe through innovations targeted to each link of the value chain: new tools to primary producers for promoting direct and Short Chain sales

SISTERS Läs mer »

Molecular Basis of the Interactions and Recalcitrance of Lignocellulosic Biomass

Lignocellulosic biomass represents the main renewable resource from the biosphere for the production of biofuels, platform chemicals and bio-based materials. Lignocellulose consists of a complex polymeric network of cellulose microfibrils embedded in a matrix of hemicelluloses, pectins, and lignins with exquisite organization from the nano- to the microscale. However, the heterogeneity of the lignocellulose polymeric

Molecular Basis of the Interactions and Recalcitrance of Lignocellulosic Biomass Läs mer »

BioUPGRADE – Biocatalytic upgrading of natural biopolymers for reassembly as multipurpose materials

BioUPGRADE unites expertise in functional genomics and material science to deliver breakthrough biotechnologies that sustainably upgrade nature’s main structural biopolymers into high-value and multipurpose materials.Living organisms drive our planetary carbon cycle via biocatalysts that transform CO2 into an enormous array of diverse and functional molecules. A significant fraction of this carbon is transformed into structural

BioUPGRADE – Biocatalytic upgrading of natural biopolymers for reassembly as multipurpose materials Läs mer »

Circular cellulose to textile fiber production

The overall aim is to enable an upscaled process for textile fiber production based on alternative cellulose rich feedstocks together with TreeToTextile’s process, which is resource and energy-efficient without use of toxic chemicals. The proposed project focuses on the knowledge development for utilization of cellulose from residual streams, such as agricultural waste streams, recycled cartonboard/paper,

Circular cellulose to textile fiber production Läs mer »

FibreFuse – Biobaserade kolfiber: Hur undviks att biobaserade kolfibrer fastnar i varandra under tillverkningen?

Att använda kolfibrer som armering i kompositer ger ett lättviktsmaterial som kan ersätta stål, aluminium eller glasfiber i många konstruktioner, t.ex. i fordonsindustrin eller till turbinbladen i vindkraftverk. Dessvärre är dagens kommersiella kolfibrer för dyra för många tillämpningar och även tillverkade av fossilbaserade polymerer. Lignin har länge ansetts vara en speciellt attraktiv kandidat som råmaterial

FibreFuse – Biobaserade kolfiber: Hur undviks att biobaserade kolfibrer fastnar i varandra under tillverkningen? Läs mer »

Ex situ and in situ advanced electron microscopy of enzymatic action for biomass tailoring and transport paths in conducting fibres and yarns

The structure of wood is complex with many components. As new cellulose-based materials and devices are to be developed and optimized it is crucial to understand the material microstructure of wood and also the properties of its individual microstructural constituents. Electron microscopy offers a unique capability for site specific imaging, diffraction and spectroscopy with high 

Ex situ and in situ advanced electron microscopy of enzymatic action for biomass tailoring and transport paths in conducting fibres and yarns Läs mer »