
Mem-Fast – Membranes as Enablers for Future Biorefineries: from Fabrication to Advanced Separation Technologies

The doctoral network “Mem-Fast” – Membranes as Enablers for Future Biorefineries: from Fabrication to Advanced SeparationTechnologies – aims to educate 10 future professionals, who have the needed understanding to facilitate the utilisation of membranes in the growing biorefining industry. The research and training activities implemented in the Mem-Fast network form a“first of its kind” novel […]

Mem-Fast – Membranes as Enablers for Future Biorefineries: from Fabrication to Advanced Separation Technologies Läs mer »

ECHOS-Exploring aCtive edible materials based on pHenolic-biocOnjugates from agro-industrial by-products for Sustainable and healthy future food packaging

Active-edible materials applied in food packaging have great potential as a sustainable strategy for maintaining food quality: they act as a barrier to the outside environment and a vehicle for active compounds that can extend the shelf-life of food products. Agro-industrial byproducts represent a valuable source of active and functional compounds for packaging development, with

ECHOS-Exploring aCtive edible materials based on pHenolic-biocOnjugates from agro-industrial by-products for Sustainable and healthy future food packaging Läs mer »

MYCOSITE-MYCelium based compOSITE, towards a truly sustainable biomaterial 

Mycelium-based biocomposites are an emerging category of materials exploiting the abundance of lignocellulosic waste generated yearly, such as wood by-products, waste fibers or residual stems/husks, and the natural growth of a living fungal organism. Fungi bring strength and cohesion to amorphous materials by producing microscopic filaments (called hyphae) that form the mycelium and lignocellulosic biomass

MYCOSITE-MYCelium based compOSITE, towards a truly sustainable biomaterial  Läs mer »

MYWOOD-MYcelium as tool for the valorization of WOOD by-products, from materials to enzymes 

Forestry biomass, the most abundant renewable resource on Earth, is an untapped source of energy and material. Biorefinery practices are still inefficiencies, leading to waste and reduced sustainability. This project proposes an integrated biorefinery approach, leveraging advanced fungal biotechnology to repurpose underutilized forestry biomass into innovative biobased materials and enzymes, while exploring the further biorefinery

MYWOOD-MYcelium as tool for the valorization of WOOD by-products, from materials to enzymes  Läs mer »

Quantification of fungal damage in Scots pine round timber by X-ray CT imaging

The rising problem of pine forests experiencing various forms of damage, notably in young forests situated in northern Sweden, is a mounting cause for worry. The culprit behind this damage is Scots pine blister rust, Törskate (in Swedish), a fungus that specifically attacks the tree's trunk and branches. The primary goal of this project is

Quantification of fungal damage in Scots pine round timber by X-ray CT imaging Läs mer »


The main goal of this project called PolyTree is to enable a closed-loop sustainable materials economy by making renewable polyesters from wood-based building blocks through innovative green chemistries. While biopolymers have been actively developed, their technical properties lack in respect to fossil-based materials. Moreover, biopolymers are not necessarily biodegradable – or recyclable. This project embraces

PolyTree Läs mer »

Methodologies providing new insights into the fundamentals of the pulping process

Today’s knowledge of what happens concerning the kinetics and other phenomena in the digester during the pulping process is mainly the result of the use of inductive methods. Based on these methods, generalised models have been formulated that are applied for process development as well as for industrial process optimisation.  Recent studies (e.g., Mattsson et

Methodologies providing new insights into the fundamentals of the pulping process Läs mer »

Återanvändning av matavfall för att konstruera svampmembran och filter för vatten- och luftrening

Filter och membran är halvgenomsläppliga barriärer, som ofta produceras från fossilbaserade polymerer och används för luft- och vattenrening. Membranfiltreringsanläggningar drabbas av omfattande membranbeläggningar, vilket kräver frekvent membranbyte. Detta medför en stor mängd plastavfall. Å andra sidan, har coronapandemin lett till en dramatisk ökning engångsmasker och flera miljarder masker slängs varje dag. Miljövänliga alternativ krävs för

Återanvändning av matavfall för att konstruera svampmembran och filter för vatten- och luftrening Läs mer »

Mass transport in wood components from processed woods(III-3)

Purpose of the project is to study mass transport of ionic liquids into wood pieces and fibers and consequent lignin and hemicellulose transport out from the pieces. Therefore, characterisation techniques to investigate the location of ionic liquids and lignin in the fiber structure are needed to be developed. Examples of such techniques are X-ray imaging,

Mass transport in wood components from processed woods(III-3) Läs mer »