WWSC workshop winter 2021
WWSC workshop winter 2021 Läs mer »
Stockholm University | WWSC Supervisor: Professor Lennart Bergström, Stockholm University The defense will be held online. Join the zoom webinar If you have trouble with the link try to past https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/68095581784 into your browser. Abstract: Research on nanoparticles extracted from renewable and highly available sources is motivated by both the development of functional nanomaterials and
SU | WWSC Supervisor: Lennart Bergström, Stockholm University The defense will be held online via Zoom. Join by clicking the button below or by pasting the adress into your browser: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/69050945529 Follow the defense on zoom here Biobased super-insulating materials could mitigate climate change by minimizing the use of petroleum-based materials, creating artificial carbon sinks and minimizing the
KTH | WWSC Opponent: Professor Orlando Rojas, University of British Columbia Supervisors: Professor Daniel Söderberg, KTH and professor Mats Johansson, KTH Follow the defense on zoom here Abstract: The last decades have been overshadowed by reports about the seemingly endless increase use of fossil-based resources. With the development of new products, our mindset is changing so that
KTH | WWSC Opponent: Professor Wim Thielemans, KU Leuven Supervisor: Professor Lars Wågberg, KTH Co-supervisors: Torbjörn Pettersson, KTH, Professor Lars Göran Ödberg, KTH, Andreas Fall, RISE Bioeconomy The defense is held online in a Zoom webinar. Register to attend the defense at https://kth-se.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wiozRA2pQouX_V86UAOGYA or by clicking the button below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about
Forskningscentret WWSC fokuserar på grundläggande forskning för att utveckla en grund för en ny generation av innovativa träbaserade material och är ett samarbete mellan KTH, Chalmers och Linköpings universitet med finansiering från Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse och skogsindustrin via Treesearch. – Jag vill bygga förtroende och tillit mellan verksamheterna, och ser fram emot att
Eva Malmström ny föreståndare för WWWSC Läs mer »
KTH / WWSC Opponent: Doctor Davide Beneventi, Centre national de la recherche scientifique Supervisor: Professor Ann M. Cornell, Kemiteknik, Tillämpad elektrokemi, Wallenberg Wood Science Center The presentation will be streamed on this page Abstract Lithium ion batteries contain diverse functional polymeric materials, e.g. binders and separators. Naturally self-assembled wood cellulose can be disintegrated to nanosized
KTH, WWSC Supervisor: Prof. Mikael Lindström, KTHOpponent:Prof. Maija Tenkanen, Helsingfors universitet, Finland “Hemicelluloses make up about 30% of wood, a renewable resource that can be used as a raw material replacing fossil based products. However, the hemicellulose fraction in wood has a large potential to be used in a better way. One global sustainability goal is
KTH Supervisor: Professor Mikael Lindströn, KTH
Forskare vid KTH och Wallenberg Wood Science Center (WWSC) har använt nanocellulosa i en ny typ av starkare och billigare elektroder, som kan användas t ex för energilagring. De nya elektroderna kan möjliggöra nya typer av flexibel och bärbar elektronik. Läs mer på kth.se >> Läs publikationen på Advanced Materials >> Tian, W., VahidMohammadi, A., Reid, M.
Nanocellulosa ger starkare och bättre elektroder Läs mer »
KTH / WWSC Opponent: Associate professor Eero Kontturi, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland Supervisor: Lars Berglund KTH The seminar will be streamed on this page Abstract Cellulosic materials can be sustainable replacements for fossil-based plastics; yet for some applications improvements are needed for mechanical properties, optical transmittance and eco-friendly characteristics. In this thesis, holocellulose materials are
Stockholms universitet Opponent: Prof. Olli Ikkala, Aalto University Supervisor: Germán Salazar-Alvarez, Stockholm University Welcome to take part of the thesis defense at Stockholm University. Abstract Technologies based on renewable materials are required to decrease the environmental cost and promote the development of a sustainable society. In this regard, nanocellulose extracted from wood finds many applications thanks