Hornification and Fiber Properties
The research topic is hornification of lignocellulosic materials, knowledge about which is highly relevant for production, recycling and resource efficiency for all paper and board materials, as well as new applications for forest-based raw materials.
Tailored Lignin-Derived Materials for Remediation of Water, Soil, and Sediments
This project aims to develop value-added lignin-derived materials and explore their potential in mitigating pollution from both emerging and regulated contaminants, including PFAS and other micropollutants. The target materials include lignin-derived carbons and biochars with tailored surfaces, modified lignins, lignin-based composites, and 3-D materials.
Nanostructured aerogels for removal of organic and inorganic water pollutions
Nanostructured aerogels for removal of organic and inorganic water pollutions
FibreFuse – Biobaserade kolfiber: Hur undviks att biobaserade kolfibrer fastnar i varandra under tillverkningen?
Att använda kolfibrer som armering i kompositer ger ett lättviktsmaterial som kan ersätta stål, aluminium eller glasfiber i många konstruktioner, t.ex. i fordonsindustrin eller till turbinbladen i vindkraftverk. Dessvärre är dagens kommersiella kolfibrer för dyra för många tillämpningar och även tillverkade av fossilbaserade polymerer. Lignin har länge ansetts vara en speciellt attraktiv kandidat som råmaterial […]
Sustainable added-value lignin materials for specific ions and molecules separation

Lignin is the second most abundant renewable resource from biomass, highly available in Sweden with large forest areas. The Project is aimed at the development of effective approaches for synthesis of new value-added materials from lignin. In the proposed Project the usage of different types of lignin is suggested for synthesis of novel lignin-based and […]
Development of advanced methods for investigation and counteracting of membrane fouling during recovery of extracted wood components in biorefinery applications
This project aims to develop and use advanced characterisation methods to investigate how process parameters can be utilised to decrease the effect of surface fouling during separation for recovery of high molecule weight hemicelluloses in biorefinery applications. Characteristics of formed fouling layers that are difficult to measure: thickness as well as cohesive and adhesive strength, […]
The tunicap project aims to investigate how cellulose extracted from ocean living tunicates (swedish: sjöpungar) can be used in cellulose-based organic electronic components, especially supercapacitors. One of the project aims is comparison with forest-based cellulose and nanocellulose and understanding of the similarities and differences.