1-wood components

Enzyme discovery and enzyme application on wood

Our project aims to identify enzymes that have the ability to increase the efficiency of the biorefinery process, designed for the production of biofuels, -chemicals, and -materials. Specifically, this project aims to find, characterize, and utilize, enzyme that attack specific bonds in the complex biomass structure, to increase the saccharification efficiency of cellulolytic enzyme cocktails

Enzyme discovery and enzyme application on wood Läs mer »

Nanocellulose based filaments for advanced applications. In situ SAXS studies of wood delignification.

To develop and characterize filaments for advanced applications, i.e. green smart textiles or conductive fibers. Use a flow-focusing setup and cellulose nanofibers as a main material for preparation of filaments with high mechanical performance. To understand  the fundamentals behind alignment and particle organization. To study impact of hydrolysis and delignification of wood chips on their structure

Nanocellulose based filaments for advanced applications. In situ SAXS studies of wood delignification. Läs mer »

Sustainable added-value lignin materials for specific ions and molecules separation

Lignin is the second most abundant renewable resource from biomass, highly available in Sweden with large forest areas. The Project is aimed at the development of effective approaches for synthesis of new value-added materials from lignin. In the proposed Project the usage of different types of lignin is suggested for synthesis of novel lignin-based and

Sustainable added-value lignin materials for specific ions and molecules separation Läs mer »

Biomassa från Salix för en biobaserad ekonomi

Målet med projektet är att studera alternativa användningsområden av biomassa från salix, t.ex. som råvara för produktion av biobränslen och av nya biokemikalier. Salix är en snabbväxande gröda med hög biomassaproduktion. För att förstå möjligheten att använda salix som råvara i olika processer behöver vi studera hela odlingssystemet hos salix inklusive både ovan- och underjordsprocesser.

Biomassa från Salix för en biobaserad ekonomi Läs mer »

Lignin nanoparticles

The project is aimed for development and functionalization of nanoparticles (NPs) based on technical lignins. Due to natural origin of lignin and good biocompatibility, lignin NPs (LigNPs) can find application as targeted drug delivery vehicles for future implementation in biomedicine. Within the scope of this project, we aim to develop novel multifunctional lignin nanoparticles from

Lignin nanoparticles Läs mer »


DRIVE PROJEKTET – Ny kunskap för att stimulera regional tillväxt genom åtta aktiviteter för innovativa gröna transporter med engagemang från ett 30-tal företag och ett antal offentliga aktörer. SKÖRDA – Nya typer av vindytor och termoelektriska system för förnyelsebar energi från vind och markkommer att utvecklas med hjälp från industriella aktörer.LAGRA – Superkondensatorer, en typ

DRIVE Läs mer »

Scale-up of sustainable production of dialdehyde cellulose and dialcohol cellulose

The project is a collaboration between Chalmers, KTH, BillerudKorsnäs and TetraPak.  The aim of the project is to develop a closed or semi-closed techno-economical feasible process for production of Dialdehyde cellulose, DAC and its derivatives with a target to replace plastic materials in different applications such as thermoforming, extrusion and moulding.  The project will have

Scale-up of sustainable production of dialdehyde cellulose and dialcohol cellulose Läs mer »

Biocomposites from fibres and nanocellulose

The project is a post-doc project within WWSC 2.0 The engineering aim brought forward in the project is to produce composities by using chemically modified fibres and nanocellulose and use these as reinforcing-structural elements in a polymer matrix. The resulting composites material must be manufactured with conventional, possible slightly modified, polymer processing techniques in order

Biocomposites from fibres and nanocellulose Läs mer »