
TRANSFORM II – Ny process för att producera delignifierad massa baserad på mekanisk massa som råvara

The aim of this research is to gain a better understanding on whether a novel process based on low-energy thermo-mechanical pulp (TMP) process followed by a chemical treatment with deep eutectic solvents (DESs) could produce fibers suitable for papermaking. In full scale production, these fibers could be produced at relatively low capital and operational costs, […]

TRANSFORM II – Ny process för att producera delignifierad massa baserad på mekanisk massa som råvara Läs mer »

Miljövänlig ingenjörskonst på ligno- och nanocellulosa materials: Nya hållbara produkter (ENM-NSP)

Övergången ifrån petroleumbaserade kemiska processer till “grön kemi” processer baserade på förnybara råvaror ger betydande miljömässiga fördelar och är ett måste för att upprätthålla ekonomisk tillväxt i framtiden. En relativt färsk analys som initierades av European Climate Foundation, ECF, har visat ett antal möjliga vägar till ett hållbart Europa med minskat beroende av fossilt kol

Miljövänlig ingenjörskonst på ligno- och nanocellulosa materials: Nya hållbara produkter (ENM-NSP) Läs mer »

FORIC – Forest as a Resource Industrial Research College

FORIC (Forest as a resource industrial research college) is our industrial research school. Program manager is Prof. Per Engstrand. Coordinator for the research school is Dr. Olof Björkqvist. FORIC is financed by the Knowledge Foundation and a part of our research environment Transformative Technologies at Mid Sweden University. FORIC is a graduate school in close

FORIC – Forest as a Resource Industrial Research College Läs mer »

Turning the cold NaOH(aq) into a powerful processing system for cellulose by utilizing its abundance of CO2 – a step towards sustainable textile processes

Today, there is an urge to meet the increased textile consumption by wood- and recycled cellulose textiles, based on new sustainable dissolution concepts for cellulose. Still, there are only few solvents capable of dissolving the intricate cellulose structure while being environmentally friendly and industrially viable. One of them, experiencing a renewed interest is undoubtedly cold

Turning the cold NaOH(aq) into a powerful processing system for cellulose by utilizing its abundance of CO2 – a step towards sustainable textile processes Läs mer »

Investigation of membrane fouling during microfiltration of wood components

Development of efficient separation processes are crucial for the realisation of the biorefinery concept, which is important to enable the substitution of fossil raw materials for production of materials and chemicals. Membrane filtration as a pressure driven operation has the potential of being a very energy efficient separation method in this application. However one of

Investigation of membrane fouling during microfiltration of wood components Läs mer »

ForMAX förstudie

Projektet syftar dels till att utveckla experimentella miljöer för att studera skogsrelaterade processer och material vid MAX IV, dels till att demonstrera användningen av synkrotronljus och neutroner för forskning med stor industrirelevans samt slutligen till att utveckla strålröret ForMAX strukturbidrag och prestanda.

ForMAX förstudie Läs mer »

Wallenberg Wood Science Center

Wallenberg Wood Science Center is a research center with a focus on new materials from trees. The center creates knowledge and builds competence that has the potential to form the basis for an innovative and sustainable future value creation from forest raw materials. WWSC is a joint research center between KTH Royal Institute of Technology,

Wallenberg Wood Science Center Läs mer »

Green wood  adhesives based on side-streams from the pulp industry

In this project we propose to explore the use of side-streams originating from the pulp industry as adhesive binders for wood-based materials. The proposed project, aiming at developing novel, formaldehyde-free, adhesives from renewable resources, brings together experts in polymer/adhesive/wood chemistry with experts on forest/wood products and has the ability to gain novel, fundamental knowledge while

Green wood  adhesives based on side-streams from the pulp industry Läs mer »