Defence of doctoral thesis: Divyaratan Kumar – Water-in-polymer salt electrolyte (WiPSE) for sustainable lignin batteries

Linköpings universitet | WWSC The defense is taking place at K2, Kåkenhus, Campus Norrköping, Norrköping Opponent: Prof. Yury Gogotsi, Drexel University, USA Supervisor: Prof. Xavier Crispin Follow the defense on zoom here Abstract: Organic electrolytes are widely used in energy storage technologies, but they are known to have safety, cost, and eco friendliness concerns. Water […]
Defence of doctoral thesis: Van Chinh Tran – Wood Templated Organic Electronics

Linköpings universitet | WWSC The defense is taking place at K1, Kåkenhus, Campus Norrköping, Norrköping . Opponent: Dr. Gustav Nyström, EMPA & ETH Zurich, Switzerland Supervisor: Senior Associate Professor Isak Engquist Follow the defense on zoom here Passcode: 414536 Abstract: In today’s digital era, electronics are now integral to most activities in our daily lives, […]
Defence of doctoral thesis: Canyan Che – Electrochemical reaction of quinines at conducting polymer electrodes for electrical energy devices

Linköpings universitet, Campus Norrköping Opponent: Prof. Mieczyslaw Lapkowski, Silesian University of Technology Supervisor: Prof. Xavier Crispin, Linköping University Co-supervisors: Magnus Jonsson, Mikhail Vagin, Viktor Gueskine, Linköping University Update 191128: Due to technical problems, the live-streaming is cancelled. The presentation will be made available at after the defence. Abstract: Proton-coupled multielectron transfer reactions are of great abundance in Nature. In […]
Defence of doctoral thesis: Shaobo Han– Thermoelectric polymer-cellulose composite aerogels

Linköpings universitet, Campus Norrköping Opponent: Prof. Rachel Segalman, University of California Supervisor: Prof. Xavier Crispin, Linköping University The presentation will be streamed on this page. Abstract: Thermoelectric materials are scrutinized as energy materials and sensing materials. Indeed, they convert thermal energy into electrical energy. In addition, those materials are actively sensitive to a temperature modification through the generation […]