Miljövänlig ingenjörskonst på ligno- och nanocellulosa materials: Nya hållbara produkter (ENM-NSP)

Övergången ifrån petroleumbaserade kemiska processer till “grön kemi” processer baserade på förnybara råvaror ger betydande miljömässiga fördelar och är ett måste för att upprätthålla ekonomisk tillväxt i framtiden. En relativt färsk analys som initierades av European Climate Foundation, ECF, har visat ett antal möjliga vägar till ett hållbart Europa med minskat beroende av fossilt kol […]

Innovativ kombination av miljövänlig katalys och ingenjörskonst på nanocellulosa för cellulosa-baserade material och filament

Cellulosa är det biomaterial som finns mest på jorden. Det är således det logiska materialet att bygga ett hållbart samhälle med. Här har nanocellulosor ifrån skog stor potential som byggstenar för biobaserade material. De har väldigt bra materialegenskaper som t.ex. styrka-till-densitet (8 gånger högre än för rostfritt stål) och är därför väldigt intressanta för ersättandet […]

High barriers for wood-based materials

 Nature-inspired high barrier materials from wood components for wood-based materials. Objectives Scientific: Investigate how the different components in a fruit/plant cuticle contribute to very high barrier properties (wax/lipid, crosslinked polyester and polysaccharides). Why are they assembled together the whey they are? Are there synergy effects? Can we go even beyond Natures high barriers by introducing […]


Visionen ar att med mindre modifieringar av dagens process ( och i stort sett med samma utrustning) kunna variera och styra några av massans nyckelegenskaper (så som fibernätverkets styrka, densitet och porositet) for att kunna möta kraven/specifikationerna som stalls hos nya cellulosabaserade produkter i en framtida alltmer differentierad marknad.  Projektet kommer att utgå ifrån fiberlinjens […]

Conductor patterns in wood and paper

This project is part of WWSC 2.0 at LiU. The project aims at investigating methods to modify cellulose-based materials such as paper to become electrically conductive, and moreover to do so in a spatially constrained way, in order to create conductor patterns. The long-term goal of the project is deriving 3D patterning and manufacturing techniques […]

EcoMat – Ecofriendly sustainable strong materials

The aim of the project is to develop knowledge on how to modify paper manufacturing and pulp manufacturing process to produce fossil-free functional packaging materials. Use of plastic constitutes an increasing threat to our nature and future. Plastic materials are a big environmental hazard. Large amounts end up in the oceans where the plastic decomposes […]

FORIC – Forest as a Resource Industrial Research College

FORIC (Forest as a resource industrial research college) is our industrial research school. Program manager is Prof. Per Engstrand. Coordinator for the research school is Dr. Olof Björkqvist. FORIC is financed by the Knowledge Foundation and a part of our research environment Transformative Technologies at Mid Sweden University. FORIC is a graduate school in close […]

WWSC Wood template electronics

This project is part of WWSC 2.0 at LiU. The project aims to functionalize pretreated wood chips with electroactive materials to achieve electronic functionality.

All wood cellulose films from flow

The project is on composites that comprise dominantly wood-based components. Fundamental endeavors are on orientation of cellulose nanomaterials and fibers in films. This is mediated via flow and shear. Cellulose body interactions are tuned by tuning particle surface characteristics. Rheology, crystallinity, strength and barrier performance are used to assess the products and the process. (part […]

Multiscale modelling and testing of biocomposites for equestrian sports

The aim of the project is to advance both the understanding and modelling of the mechanical response of biocomposites. In particular, we target biopolymers reinforced with cellulose fibres, the latter which is an important resource from the Swedish forest industry. The idea is to link advanced in-situ experimental testing (microscopy under mechanical loading) and numerical […]


The tunicap project aims to investigate how cellulose extracted from ocean living tunicates (swedish: sjöpungar) can be used in cellulose-based organic electronic components, especially supercapacitors. One of the project aims is comparison with forest-based cellulose and nanocellulose and understanding of the similarities and differences.